Interesting and Humour - page 4651

Aleksei Stepanenko:

The post about Kezzin was mine, and I took the grandmother's stories and put them in my piggy bank.

What to do? Doctor, is it treatable?

a case of the wrong soft sign making a phrase hard :)

my post was neither about the one or the other, but about the in-between (somehow ambiguous... it has to be! :) )


if you want my opinion on schizophrenia and outstanding personalities: "schizophrenia" is not equal to "dementia", it is a thinking disorder, a bug, if you like. and its degree can vary from"this is even more interesting" to "it squeaks, crunches and does not go".

if you want my opinion of the great grandmother - i couldn't even read it :) i didn't understand why they left such a long curse. or do three stars turn curse words into compliments? - there's the schizophrenia connection coming through :)

i don't mind either one or the other; at least i findit more interesting :)


Yes, Igor, I was too hasty with the soft sign.

There is no deviation here. What kind of schizophrenia is this? Normal people, just with a slightly different outlook, which is sometimes hard to understand and accept.

It's not a joke about grandma, it's a cautionary tale. Isn't that beautiful:

"Just sit on the shore and wait. Time is a resource that can solve everything and always."

This message has been put through Word, just in case

Aleksei Stepanenko:

"Just sit on the beach and wait. Time is a resource that can solve everything all the time".

"The opposite is true! Time is an irreplaceable resource. you can only sit on the shore and wait if the nets are already in place :)

Igor Zakharov:

The "water never flows under a rock" is our case! i.e. the opposite! time is an irreplaceable resource. you can only sit on the shore and wait if the nets are already in place :)

No, it's not about that. I have experienced such cases myself. When there is no hope, no apparent reason for change for the better, a solution or rescue comes out of nowhere, all by itself. Not for merit, but by chance. A wave from another timeframe in life.

Grandma is a wise man. It's almost all there for the good.


Wisdom comes with old age. Sometimes old age comes alone.

(c) Zhvanetsky




How to write off correctly


That's right.


The sore point is this.


And it's all about him...