Interesting and Humour - page 4646

Tinkov's facing jail time. Greed is the death knell of greed.
I just filed a complaint against his tinkoff bank a couple of months ago with rospotrebnadzor. A complaint about illegal use of my personal data.
I didn't realise the law of karma was so strong.

To the collection)


Happy 8th of March!


[ 纯享 ] Jackson Wang王嘉尔《安静》《梦想的声音3》EP12 20190111 /浙江卫视官方音乐HD/


The string breaks, fate is finished, and you have left too2:46 / 4:12周杰倫 Jay Chou天涯過客 Passer-by】Official MV -

Here Jay Chou (singer and composer, I think - about 60 years old) and his wife practically revealed the secret of demographics :) in their Chinese (well what about ... they're all Chinese) version -





Already at 75

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Already at 75

It's not even close to 120 yet.
Aleksei Stepanenko:

..I wonder what they wrote there

:-) it seems they were trying to correct something in the cons

Yuriy Zaytsev:

:-) it looks like they were trying to correct something in the cons ( conservatory )

The orderly's face resembles a stereotypical fascist :) and the cross kind of hints :) the author is clearly hinting at something...


The orderly's face is reminiscent of a stereotypical fascist :) and the cross sort of hints too :) the author is clearly hinting at something...

And the look of a cold-blooded executioner.