Interesting and Humour - page 4657

Igor Makanu:

amateurish look at the benefits of civilization that you enjoy, look at your forearm, thanks to smallpox vaccination, which everyone gets at birth without even asking what you have in mind, smallpox has been completely eliminated as a viral infection

Of course there can be complications, because the body isn't a pile of parts, it's a complex biochemical process.

Vaccinations are ONLY for healthy people. Vaccination is a virus that fights another virus. The human body is able to regulate the vaccination virus (in quantitative terms), while the infection virus cannot be defeated by the body without help. Learn the basics.

Alexey Viktorov:
Hooray!!! I got 2,000₽ transferred. If I don't die, another 2,000₽ will be transferred.

In both cases, report back.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

In both cases, report back.

I promise. At the very least, I'll send a text))) from there...
Igor Makanu:

Amateurish view of the benefits of civilization that you enjoy, look at your forearm.

It's about vaccinating BEFORE you get sick.

As for the rest, not everyone understands what an exponent is. some don't until the cock peck on the head.

The blithe individuals who think any mention of the virus is panic-inducing are annoying.

Alexey Viktorov:

Vaccinations are ONLY desired by healthy people. Vaccination is a virus that fights another virus. Vaccination virus can be eliminated by the human body (in quantitative terms), but the infection virus cannot be eliminated by the body without assistance. Learn the basics.

Learn the basics, at least start with Wiki, and then you will fight the general illiteracy)))


he means the vaccination is done BEFORE the disease.

I don't know, but the context somehow reads as a denial of vaccination as such - it has long been a trendy topic

Igor Makanu:

Learn the basics, at least start with Wiki, and then fight everyone's illiteracy)))

Igor, the last thing I will read is wikipedia.

Are you saying that when a child is born, he is already sick and has to be inoculated against smallpox?

Igor Makanu:

amateurish view of the boons of civilization that you enjoy, look at your forearm, thanks to smallpox vaccination that everyone gets at birth without even asking what you have in mind - smallpox has been completely eradicated as a viral infection

Of course there can be complications, because the body isn't a pile of parts, it's a complex biochemical process.

Alexey Viktorov:

Igor, the last thing I will read is wikipedia.

There are also medical student forums, but vaccines are varied, it's not so easy to drug the biomaterial and then make a vaccine left and right

there's a description of the types of vaccines on the wiki - a simplified description, I read it when I was in kindergarten, because there was a scandal at the time in the media about low-quality vaccines

Alexey Viktorov:

Are you saying that the baby is already sick at birth and is being vaccinated against smallpox?

I'm not saying anything, here's the wiki, I've got the internet paid for - use it.

Classification[edit|edit code]

Vaccines are divided into the following categories according to the type of antigenic material[68][69][70]:

  • Live but weakenedstrainsof germs orviruses(varicella,influenza, yellow fever, measles, rubella,polio, rotavirus, mumps);
  • killed(inactivated) germs or viruses (rabies, typhoid, hepatitis A,influenza, tick-borne encephalitis,whooping cough,polio);
  • anatoxins(toxoids, attenuated or modified toxins) of microorganisms (for diphtheria, tetanus);
  • subunit vaccines, including synthetic, genetically engineered and molecular vaccines (againstHib,influenza, HPV, hepatitis B,pertussis, pneumococcal and meningococcal infections).
Igor Makanu:

There are also medical student forums, but vaccines are varied, it's not so easy to drug the biomaterial and then make a vaccine left and right.

there's a description of the types of vaccines on the wiki - a simplified description, I read it when I was in kindergarten, because there was a scandal at the time in the media about poor quality vaccines

Apparently it's a consequence of reading the wiki a lot. A vaccine is not a medicine. Vaccines do not cure diseases, they are administered once or periodically, such as flu shots...

Alexey Viktorov:

Vaccinations are desired ONLY for healthy people. Vaccination is a virus that fights another virus. Vaccination virus the human body is able to regulate (in quantitative terms), while the infection virus the body cannot defeat without help. Learn the basics.

That's not how the vaccine is made now, it doesn't contain the weakened virus, it doesn't contain the virus at all. The shell of the virus is uncoiled at the genetic level like a ball of wool, then the virus itself is removed from the inside. The vaccine uses only its protective outer part. Our immune system can kill any virus but cannot reach it because of its shell. Same with the aids virus, they are all built on the same type.