Interesting and Humour - page 4499


There has never been a default in the US. And what you are writing is an increase in the national debt ceiling

One last google search for you, learn to use a search engine. And don't play tanchiki anymore ))

История дефолтов США
История дефолтов США
Москва, 23 февраля - "Вести.Экономика". Неоднократно возникали обстоятельства, при которых Казначейство США оказывалось не в состоянии своевременно расплатиться по своим обязательствам, или условия проведения платежей вызывали недовольство кредиторов. Это приводило к чрезвычайно высокой нагрузке на государственный бюджет и подрывало авторитет...
Igor Makanu:

Looks natural, very positive.

Nice girlfriend, danced at the moniker myself.)


Well, that's the problem with you googling for information instead of reading textbooks.

Just like the journalist who wrote the article.

"This is the only time to date that a short and unintended default has been officially declared in the US." (c)
Read more:


Well, that's the problem - you google information instead of reading textbooks.

Just like the journalist who wrote the article.

"This is the only time to date that a short and unintended default has been officially declared in the US." (c)
Read more:

which ones?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Start with these

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Nice girlfriend, I danced at the moniker myself.)

Imagine what it looks like, you made my day! ))))

ZS: found the original video, put it in the post above


While we're doing all sorts of nonsense here...

PUSH message came : has been updated to build 2117. So the desktop will have an update soon.
Igor Makanu:

pictured how it looks, you've made my day! ))))

ZS: found the original video, pasted it into the post above

Didn't understand about the marked one and couldn't find it.

Vladimir Karputov:
PUSH message came: updated to 2117 build. So the desktop will have an update soon.

Why in humour, where to laugh?