Interesting and Humour - page 4094

Yuriy Zaytsev:

You have a pension of 14 thousand for 9 roubles - is that enough for a communal service of 4000-5000?

And I know people who have a 6 thousand a month allowance - although not yet retired - disabled - and how to live?


By the way - GDP is not so bad ... in the current political wilderness, there is basically nothing - and there is a televangelist with a single opinion

Sometimes I wonder how they can make elections fair in such conditions.


I sometimes wonder how to make elections fair in such conditions.

The USSR had fair elections, too, and the result was 99%.

I've never voted for anyone who went

Yuriy Zaytsev:

You have a pension of 14 thousand for 9 roubles - is that enough for a communal service of 4000-5000?

And I know people who have a 6 thousand a month allowance - although not yet retired - disabled - and how to live?


By the way - GDP is not so bad ... in the current political wilderness, there is nothing - and there is a televangelist with a single opinion

Consider that the utility bill is no more than 22% of the pension. The rest is covered by the subsidy. Where did the 9 ruble come from?
Consider that the utility bill is no more than 22% of your pension. The rest is covered by the subsidy. Where did 9 rubles come from?

( it is not me - have not reached) 14 thousand pension 14-4 = 10 or 14-5 = 9 - that in winter, in summer it turns out a little better 14-3 and even as it was 14-2

Yes, there is a subsidy - not all pensioners do not know about it, because it is not given out until you go.

We have a very literate population in the country. The world's best Soviet education showed it, and the whole truth came out in 1990, when the charlatans Chumak and Kashperovsky fooled the whole country.

The level of intelligence - education - it is either there or not, and in its absence, a perfect breeding ground for all kinds of religions, hoaxers, psychics, magicians and healers.

For example, after watching the very first session I did not watch any more, but I was surprised at the number of illiterate, stupid, underdeveloped people.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

(it is not for me - I am far away yet) 14 thousand pension 14-4 = 10 or 14-5 = 9 - that in winter, in summer it is a little better than 14-3 and even 14-2

Yes, there is a subsidy - not all pensioners do not know about it, because they do not receive it until they go.

We have a very literate population in this country. This was proved by the best Soviet education in the world in 1990, when charlatans Chumak and Kashperovsky fooled the whole country.

The level of intellect and education is either there or not, and in its absence, a perfect breeding ground for all kinds of religions, hoaxers, psychics, magicians and healers.

And what about your comrade Junko. A charlatan or a victim of thin shingles in the rain? ))))

Yuriy Zaytsev:


We have a very literate population in this country. The best Soviet education in the world showed it in 1990 - when charlatans Chumak and Kashperovsky fooled the whole country.


That's a big mouthful. Their admirers were mostly exalted women. There were few men among them.

And then, they were allowed to fool the country from the TV screens. And many, accustomed since Soviet times to the fact that the Party would not wish bad things, believed blindly, as long as they were allowed to reach the level of broadcasting on TV to the whole country.


You should ask comrade Fedoseyev, he knows more about optics and effects. Dust or the UFO)).


And then, they were allowed to fool the country from the TV screens. And many, accustomed since Soviet times to the fact that the Party would not wish bad things, believed blindly, as long as they were allowed to reach the level of broadcasting on TV to the whole country.


And then, they were allowed to fool the country from the TV screens. And many, accustomed since Soviet times to the fact that the Party would not wish bad things, believed blindly, as long as they were allowed to reach the level of broadcasting on TV to the whole country.

My cousin's sister watched Chumak and later said that her appendicitis stitch had dissolved.