Interesting and Humour - page 4101

Artyom Trishkin:

ZS. You can of course answer me if you want, but I will delete posts on this subject from here.

Start with your own posts).
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Start with your own posts).

Don't pick on me, I've been loyal enough to give a chat without any bans. Not having a different point of view slaughtered is a good thing.

It's time to be honourable. The rules as it is, and not his.


Our woman is confused (from the 13th minute). Germany, Europe, and the homeless...))


Our woman is confused (from the 13th minute). Germany, Europe, and the homeless...))

Too well and cleanly dressed for the homeless.

I know about Germany, my son lives in Frankfurt am Main.

A roof over his head, food - preferably simple and healthy. Something to wear. Sometimes to go somewhere.In such a rich country the sums paid as pensions look very ridiculous.

There are two ways to grow old unnecessarily. 1) start your own business or 2) raise your children properly.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

One person doesn't really need much at all. A roof over their head, food - preferably simple and healthy. Something to wear. Sometimes a trip somewhere. ....

I agree.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

... Germany is sort of poorer. ...

Germany is richer in total gross income per capita. One of the reasons for the different standard of living in Germany and Russia is different mentality. The example of a German village in Siberia was cited here and compared with a neighbouring village. I once visited a village in the Omsk region. It was autumn, I was not wearing boots, but there was knee-deep mud.

We are different, so what should we do now, should we hang ourselves? Why do we have to be reminded that they live better? Don't we know it ourselves?

Yuriy Zaytsev:


To meet old age without need, there are two ways. 1) own business or 2) bring up your children properly.

I had a business before retirement, but I closed it after my first pension, so I could live out my life with no worries and enjoy it. I do not see the point of having extra money, I do not spend it all anyway. I am not accustomed to luxurious living and squandering money.

My older, better-off children sent me money for a while, but then I myself refused.


There is such a "village" near Omsk. It's German. For some reason, housing there is much more expensive than in ordinary villages, and not every Siberian would be able to settle there if he wanted to. But not everyone would refuse.

Because this village is supported by German roots, and everything is very orderly, all is neat and tidy, unlike some Siberian villages where rich owners of the mineral wealth of this vast and rich country still heat with firewood. Even we have managed to build a small piece of Europe, which they also want to get into even here.

You often express discontent with the existing authorities, while this example with a German village shows that it is possible to live well under the existing regime. It is not about the authorities, but the man himself, how he can improve his life, if he works well and diligently, does not get drunk and does not waste his time criticizing authorities.

About three years ago I visited my small motherland. I wandered through the places that were familiar to me from childhood. Near the house where I used to live, I met a drunken man who was on his way to the shop to buy another bottle. We got to talking. He immediately complained about the authorities, saying that pensions were small. I am a farmer, and I am out of fodder, I have nothing to feed my cattle. I asked him, how much did you drink today? He said, "Two bottles with a friend...

You don't have to draw any conclusions, it's all clear why the pension is running out fast, but there's no fodder for the cattle).


You often express dissatisfaction with the current government, but this example of the German village shows that it is possible to live well under the current government. And it is not about the authorities, but about the man himself, how he can improve his life, if he works well and conscientiously, does not get drunk and does not waste his time criticising the authorities.

About three years ago I visited my small motherland. I wandered through the places that were familiar to me from childhood. Near the house where I used to live, I met a drunken man who was on his way to the shop to buy another bottle. We got to talking. He immediately complained about the authorities, saying that pensions were small. I am a farmer, and I am out of fodder, I have nothing to feed my cattle. I asked him, how much did you drink today? He said, "Two bottles with a friend...

You don't have to draw any conclusions, it's clear why pension runs out fast, and there is no fodder for cattle).

They were given everything not by our government, but by theirs, free of charge, if memory serves me right, but certainly not at their own expense. They have support from Germany, I understand that it's unusual, but it happens when civilized countries take care of their citizens in other countries, or part of it is not citizens, but they have some kind of program.

About 20p pensions. Here is a clip, at 1:25 minute a pensioner with 23 years of service in the North is 18 p., and this despite the fact that pensions in the North have always been considered almost as 1.5-2 those on the ground.

The current pensioners, who are waiting for their pensions, have even lower coeff- tion, if they leave it at all. Those who have worked all their lives on the ground in a factory with the same length of service and even more, and does not reach 15. Who's getting 20? I don't know, a local general. The people on the video are not ghosts who want to destroy the country, but ordinary people who are just tired, not trolls. And do not pretend that they do not exist in the country or that they are idlers and loafers. Here is a video clip of Saratov, for example. Not a small town. There are places in the backwoods where they have salaries of 6-9 thousand rubles. And you have pensions of 20...

Are you sarcastic that everyone who does not have enough money from their pensions - they drink it away. And your example with a farmer, he does not have enough for drinking, and wastes someone else's, most likely his wife, or where he can find someone. By the way, there are those who drink themselves intoxicated out of despair. So there's no need to put everybody on the same page.

Hundreds of yards are stolen, not even millions and billions, and those who are above it is scary to imagine, trillions are probably stolen.

And they are telling us about some kopecks, mostly.

She's hoping for a suspended sentence or a third of what she claimed)))))))))))))))))) No forfeiture or... Hell, let's say she does the time, though we all know how people do time with that kind of money, and if they do time at all... ...she'll get out and have a shitload of money on her and the judge. But they can get 3 for a sack of potatoes and take the potatoes away.

Shit, Buffett's a kid compared to them.

But fuck it, we're doing good and that's all that matters.

And we have already been warned, it's time to call it a day, I won't answer any more, some other time. Respect is necessary as long as there is an adequate moderator.

I think pensions are being kept at a "don't make a fuss" level, + incentives to work after retirement, because the staffing situation in many places is a shame.

But that's not what I mean, just a sketch.

I was talking to an acquaintance a couple of days ago. In his 30s, family. Wife went to the nursery to get a certificate that she'd been babysitting for a fortnight.

Two precincts - paramedic taking over. One doctor on sick leave, one on call. There is no one to take over.

The corridor is like a rush-hour minibus. A nurse comes out and takes the card from the person you "don't want to take". The "electronic" queue does not work, it is clear that you will not get to the "live" queue. Who has never been in the "children's": imagine a few dozen mothers with children from "brought in their arms" to 12-14 years old (I do not know when they are transferred to the adult one).

The child came down with a fever the day after the visit.

His wife went to the doctor in charge. The woman was active, with the intention to organize a cart to the Ministry of Health, to contribute in some way. The headmistress simply showed a stack of papers "from above", on which it was necessary to explain. The answers followed a pattern: underfunding, lack of staff. Doctors receive no more than 20 (officially the regional average is 48). Forced to hire students without a diploma - they run away after a month of work. In general...

And right after this talk on VestiFM, Satanovsky voices the statistics. In 2016 there were 211 child deaths in physical education classes. The result of health care reforms.

In my opinion, this is called a very simple word - genocide.