Interesting and Humour - page 2044

They sent you a different one, if you had clicked on that picture then you would have gotten a virus that would have prevented you from viewing this forum
I didn't click on the picture !!!!, I clicked on this link_

The findos and europeans use the word "nigger" as a dirty word.

And judging by the responsibility for it, it is even more abusive than "faggot.

When negotiating with Arabs, you must not shine the part of your shoe that touches the ground.

And when it comes to words, there's a whole science to it.

The rules are tied to place and time.

That is, the rules, in this case the pindos, who have gone for political correctness, are not for us a guide for action

Just as, for example, brothers Ukrainians can not require everyone to write - in Ukraine, and not - in Ukraine.

I didn't click on the picture!!!! but on this link_
Never click on pictures posted by Sergeev, they are traps,
but shh.
About eight years ago I witnessed such a situation, a couple of workers cheerfully plastering a wall, two black young men with two bags of empty bottles (to pass them in glass bottles) were passing by, and one of the plasterers cheerfully said to the other - look even blacks want to eat, after these words the black guys put down their bags, with pleasure, and very understandably, they explained who was a black and who was an African-American :)
About eight years ago I witnessed such a situation, a couple of workers cheerfully plastering a wall, two black young men with two bags of empty bottles (to pass them to the glass cans) passed by, and one of the plasterers cheerfully said to the other - look, even black guys want to eat. After these words the black guys put down their bags and explained to them with pleasure, and very understandably, who is a black and who is African-American :)

If a Negro is not from America, what kind of an African-American is he?

About eight years ago I witnessed such a situation, a couple of workers cheerfully plastering a wall, two black young men with two bags of empty bottles (to pass them to the glass cans) were passing by, and one of the plasterers cheerfully said to the other - look even blacks want to eat, after these words the black guys put down their bags, with pleasure, and very understandably, they explained who was a black and who was an African-American :)

<kby? lf 'nj ;jgf rfrfz-nj///.

That's the way it is and that's the way it isn't. What if he lives in France? Is he, vkznm, African-American? They've all got their heads in the clouds and we're in the baths because of African-skinned people...


<kby? lf 'nj ;jgf rfrfz-nj//.

Exactly, and not otherwise. What if he lives in France? Is he, vkznm, African-American too??? They've all got their heads blown off over there and we're all steamrolling in bathhouses because of African-skinned ytljgthtrhfityys[ vjpufvb...

I propose a new word: Afro-asshole.)
I suggest a new word: Afro-asshole )
Can I borrow your broom?

A sedative )

Thank you, that helped...

If a Negro is not from America, then what kind of "Afro" American is he?

They can call each other whatever they want, they don't let others off the hook, no matter where they come from, America, Nigeria or wherever, it's an insult that goes deep into history.