Interesting and Humour - page 4087

Vladimir Zubov:

Will they also have chips on them?

Of course they do. Firstly, it's revenue for the treasury. Secondly, they have to count everyone and do a pet census at the same time.
As soon as a new creature is born, it will have to be registered at the registry office, the tax will have to be paid somehow, after death again, it will have to go to the registry office - (special for animals), get a death certificate and give the chip.
Then go to the tax office, it is understood that each creature will have a TIN.

Turtles will be priced, live for 300 years.

Snails are grapes, only the very rich will have them. If you compare them to positions, they will be no lower than the prime minister's. Why would ordinary citizens need a grape snail if there is no grape plantation? And cockroaches are mostly for ordinary citizens.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
Of course, what can we do? Firstly, it's for the treasury. Secondly, they'll have to count everyone and do a census of pets.
As soon as a new creature is born, it has to be registered at the registry office, the tax has to be paid somehow, after death, again, it is necessary to go to the registry office (special for animals), get a death certificate and give a chip.

Turtles will be in price, they live for 300 years.

Snails, grapevines, will only be owned by very rich people. If you compare them to positions, they will be no lower than prime ministers. Well, why would ordinary citizens need a grape snail if there is no grape plantation. And cockroaches are mostly for ordinary citizens.

I have a red-eared tortoise and I have hundreds of grape snails, you know where I live) What to do?

Vladimir Zubov:

I have a red-eared turtle and I have hundreds of grape snails, you know where I live) What to do?

I don't know, I can only say that you can't withhold tax from the state. Congratulations with the turtle, it's just lucky to go once, but you have to run around with snails, they're also fertile and die by the hundreds.
Well write out a power of attorney letting your personal lawyer run it, if you have a vineyard, you sure have your SPGU lawyer.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
Nah, I don't know, all I can say is you can't withhold tax from the state. Congratulations on the turtle, just lucky enough to go once, but you run around with snails, they're also prolific and die by the hundreds.

I take a kilo of live weight snails for lunch in the summer, will they charge me with animal cruelty? How do you eat them if they're chipped?

Vladimir Zubov:

I take a kilo of live weight snails for lunch in the summer, will they charge me with animal cruelty? How do you eat them if they're chipped?

You can't take live ones, apparently.

Well, you'll be buying through the registry now. Right after de-chipping and de-taxing.


Yuri, I'm also breeding cockroaches, mice and snakes. For a nursery, what to do with them ?

Vladimir Zubov:

Yuri, I'm also breeding cockroaches, mice and snakes. For the nursery, what to do with them?

You can't poison them now (for cockroaches and mice), so hand them over to the state, since it has decided to put things in order in this area.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

We are not allowed to poison (for cockroaches and mice), so give them to the state, it is the state's way of dealing with them, since it has decided to put things in order in this area.

Sorry, I have not said it all) There are two more adult tigers and lions, the state will not be frightened? )))

Denis Sartakov:

to corrupt officials with the rank of general or higher in one country

a new punishment has been invented:

It's a good idea, but it would be dangerous for us to introduce it. Imagine, you go to the tax office to register another TARACAN, and all the bosses there have no hands.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
It's a good idea, but it's dangerous for us to implement it, just imagine, you go to the tax office to register another TARACAN, and all the bosses there don't have hands.

I'm out of shape, that's it, I'm resting before I get naughty...