Interesting and Humour - page 4083

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Readhere if you are interested in the essence and not the political oohs and ahhs.

There is plenty of material, google it.

I'm leaving, I'm not interested in this topic.

I remember this article from a peekaboo like )))))))) so the credibility is off the charts )))))))


I remember this article from the peekaboo, like )))))))), so the credibility is off the charts )))))))

I immediately came across an incompetent conclusion in this article:

If one takes the normal pressure at sea level as 760 mm Hg, then 0.3 atmosphere is 228 mm Hg, which corresponds to almost 9 km altitude (approximately the height of Everest). The mountaineers can barely move their legs even wearing oxygen masks; one can only count on oneself as rescue assistance is life-threatening. There is an example when in 2006 about 40 people walked up and down the mountain past the dying climber David Sharp, just asked who he was and filmed his agony. This was at 8,500 metres. They don't even take corpses out of there - they're just lying there along the route trails, too dangerous to take out.

The "specialist-critic" has quickly forgotten that it had been written a little earlier about breathing pure oxygen at low pressure and not air with 20% oxygen content. Boyle-Mariott's law is unknown to the author of the article))

It is very surprising, how come San Sanych - an advanced scientist in the field of astronautics did not notice this glaring gaffe.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I immediately came across an incompetent conclusion in this article:

The "specialist-critic" has quickly forgotten that earlier it was written about breathing pure oxygen, but at low pressure, rather than air, which has 20% oxygen content.

It is very surprising, how come, how come San Sanych - advanced scientist in the field of astronautics - did not notice this glaring lapse.

Even the way the material is presented it is clear that the author is either crazy or just a common paid demagogue, it can be felt literally from the first lines.......
But the article is not intended to be accurate, but only of interest to a specific audience gullible to "polar" opinions,
especially if it coincides with the wave of moods and the general vector of the desired perception in the reader,
and the abundance of varied details and the length of the article create an effect of credibility.....


Are you going to claim that the Americans never set foot on the moon? Here's the best proof:)

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Doesn't the equally good sharpness of the ground surface and some iron at two metres distance confuse you?

Judging by the sun's rays, the aperture is severely set. Of course, with such a bright source in the frame.

That's why hyperfocal starts from several meters - respectively part of the ship (at a decent distance, by the way) and infinity are in focus.


Ostap was carried away.

Vitalie Postolache:

it was not until the Radio magazine of September 1982 that the series of publications on Micro-80 began -- the creation of which began in 1978.

so either this deputy minister didn't say that phrase of his -- or he wasn't aware of what he was saying.Микро-80


1977 the first mass-produced Apple II appeared.

May, 1981 personal computer "Electronica NTs-8010" - first in USSR PC prototype built entirely with domestic chips and domestic architecture was developed.Персональный_компьютер


the deputy minister of radio industry is suspiciously ignorant.

the phrase is either taken out of context and edited -- or it is pure falsification.


The stinkiest dogs

  • American Cocker Spaniel
  • English Cocker Spaniel
  • English Bulldog
  • Basset Hound
  • Beagle
  • Bloodhound
  • Boxer
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Pug
  • St Bernard
  • Sharpay


The smelliest dogs

  • Basenji
  • Bichon Frise
  • Dalmatian
  • Pygmy Pinscher
  • Kerry blue terrier
  • Mittelschnauzer
  • Papillon
  • Poodle
  • Riesenschnauzer
  • Saluki
  • Zwerschnauzer


Good morning

Породы собак с запахом и без запаха. Самые вонючие и самые не вонючие собаки.
Из всех пород собак можно выделить породы, наиболее склонные плохо пахнуть. И наоборот, собак, которые вероятнее всего не будут иметь неприятный запах. Это может быть интересно людям, которые хотят завести собаку, но не выносят неприятных собачьих запахов. Собака может пахнуть не только псиной, но иметь и другие посторонние, неприятные запахи...