Interesting and Humour - page 4536


I'm talking about a completely identical lingam cult, a column of the same size and shape

it would be very interesting to look at a completely identical Celtic lingam... maybe there's a Celtic yoni as well?

Dmitry Fedoseev:
What is wrong with Tartary? In Greek mythology Tartarus is hell. It's sort of the same as "in the middle of nowhere".

It's just that about 10 years ago, some stubborn pseudo-historians began to forge the myth that Tartary was a great ancient Slavic state, and that scoundrel scientists are usually hiding, some particularly gifted ones even hinted at the alien origin of this state, and say the cursed Germans / Anglo-Saxons rewrote the great Russian history, like famous obscurantist Levashov started it in his pathetic book with the resounding title "The Forgotten History of Russia".Silenced History of Russia", and it has turned into a whole shaft of rather primitive articles, where the same dull scheme with incredible pathos was shambolic, first European maps of 17/18 century, a collection of dubious quotations pictures, the flag of the alleged empire with a dragon, a lot of far-fetched comparisons, and then it was proved that the Tatars and the Rus are one people and it was concluded that it was a great state of Rus/Slavs etc.д.

Wow, how the devils cringe...
These pseudo-historical figures now seem to be more popular with Arkaim.

Here's the most mega-cool way to make pasta:

You can do it without meat: just tomatoes and pasta.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Here's the most mega-cool way to make pasta:

You can do it without meat: just tomatoes and pasta.


I haven't seen a show like this before, even though it's three-plus years old.

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