Interesting and Humour - page 4082


In general, I think pictures like this are more just PR for the public,

for example, it wasn't hard to google:

An official photograph, published in 1976: "July 21(?) 1975. A. Leonov and V. Kubasov, having allegedly just returned from space, are standing firmly on their feet and giving interviews"

6.Нарушения психомоторики отмечаются в первые часы и дни у всех космонавтов по возвращении на Землю
(доктор психологических наук В.И. Лебедев, в 1960-1971 г.г. - отдела медико-психологической подготовки в Центре подготовки космонавтов, г. Звёздный) В годы полётов первых советских космонавтов все советские газеты, радио и ТВ публиковали сообщения ТАСС. «Самочувствие космонавтов отличное», «Самочувствие космонавтов нормальное» - вот типичные...

In general, I think such photos are more just PR for the public,

for example, it wasn't hard to google:

An official photograph, published in 1976: "July 21(?) 1975. A. Leonov and V. Kubasov, having allegedly just returned from space, are standing firmly on their feet and giving interviews"



Flying in zero gravity in general is extremely harmful to the body.....
adaptation varies individually, from a few hours to a few days...
someone can't walk, nauseous, dizzy, etc.
But nevertheless I wouldn't take this as proof that there was no flight...
well standing up for half a minute for a picture is probably possible.

Readhere if you are interested in the essence and not the political oohs and ahhs.

There is plenty of material, google it.

I'm leaving, I'm not interested in this topic.


but this picture looks real...

at least no signs of editing (me) ...

p.s. nice work ))





but this one looks real...

at least no signs of editing (me) ...

p.s. nice work ))

What particular signs of editing are you looking for?

Equally good sharpness of the ground surface and some iron at a distance of two meters don't you find confusing?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What specific signs of editing are you looking for?

Doesn't the equally good sharpness of the ground surface and some iron at a distance of two metres confuse you?

That's what I'm looking at, the thing doesn't look natural - like it's been tweaked .... I agree.

and it's a bit of a faux pas - we're looking through a part of the ship...




here I see that the thing doesn't look natural - like it's been tweaked .... I agree

and here it's all out of place - we're looking through a part of the ship...

What are your methods? How competent are you at all? Are you competent at all?

Vladimir Karputov:

Rainy City

Vladimir Karputov:

Rainy town:


Dmitry Fedoseev:

What are your methods? How competent are you in this at all? Are you competent at all?

never mind ... It's a long explanation and it's not profitable again ))...


never mind ... It'll take a long time to explain and it won't make a profit again ))...

And I'm in no hurry, you can explain, and the profit doesn't always matter.