Interesting and Humour - page 3965


Good... in the rain.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

Interesting and Humorous

Alexandr Murzin, 2017.09.01 12:02

If the beginning of the end, then sell on the pullback.

I will not hide it - I was not a big fan of this "currency" from the beginning I am not a fan even now. I think that amers came to the conclusion that if it is in demand, it must be taken under control, that is, to issue their own within the law, because it will not compete with the dollar (under control). Crypto is not under control - who needs it? No one ..... They will find a reason, from trivial to global - they will shut down bitcoin anyway to develop their own one ........

Again, there is no need to go far - Bitcoin is 90% of the shadow economy, from A to Z ... around the worldтехнологии/1040081/troikh_rossiian_zadierzhali_za_opieratsii_s_bitkoinami_na_500_mln_rubliei

Троих россиян задержали за операции с биткоинами на 500 млн рублей
Троих россиян задержали за операции с биткоинами на 500 млн рублей
  • 2017.09.01
  • Владимир Лещёв
По данным следствия, задержанные организовали виртуальный обменный сервис, через который обналичивали и переводили криптовалюту. Для этого молодые люди использовали более 300 банковских карт и сим-карт, оформленных на родственников и знакомых. В ходе обысков сотрудники полиции изъяли носители информации, предположительно содержащие данные о...

The Soros accusation

The petitioners accuse Soros of "deliberately and repeatedly trying to destabilize [the situation] or commit other acts of violence against the United States and its citizens. They call on the US federal government and the Department of Justice to "immediately declare George Soros and all members of his organizations as home-grown terrorists and seize both personal assets and those associated with his structures within the framework of the Civil Assets Forfeiture Act".

Read more at TASS:

Клинцевич: объявление Сороса террористом будет означать подрыв основ существования США
Клинцевич: объявление Сороса террористом будет означать подрыв основ существования США
МОСКВА, 1 сентября. /ТАСС/. Объявление Джорджа Сороса террористом, как этого требует петиция, появившаяся на сайте , будет означать подрыв основ существования Соединенных Штатов, и президент Трамп не решится на такой шаг. Такое мнение высказал в пятницу журналистам первый зампред комитета Совета Федерации по обороне и безопасности Франц...


More than 100,000 Americans demand that Soros be declared a terrorist

2 September, 7:10UTC+3

US citizens called on the authorities to seize both the billionaire's personal assets and those connected to his structures

WASHINGTON, September 2. /TASS/. More than 100 thousand people signed a petition onthe White Housewebsite with a demand to declare billionaire George Soros a terrorist and seize all his assets. The 100,000 mark was passed on Friday, according to figures provided by the White House specialist Web platform. That is how much is needed for the administration to respond to the document.

"Given that George Soros has deliberately and continuously attempted to destabilize [the situation] or commit other acts of violence against the United States and its citizens <...>, the US federal government and the Department of Justice should immediately declare George Soros and all members of his organizations as homegrown terrorists and seize both personal assets and those associated with his entities under the civil asset forfeiture law," the text of the petition states.

On Thursday, the number of signatureswas 60,000, and the document gained the missing 40,000 in just one day. It is not yet known when there will be a response from the White House or US President Donald Trump.

Soros is the founder and head of hedge fund Soros Fund Management and is among the richest men in the world. Forbes estimates his fortune at $25 billion.

Read more at TASS:

Международная панорама и последние международные новости - ТАСС
Международная панорама и последние международные новости - ТАСС
Международная панорама и международные новости: новости, комментарии, мнения экспертов о событиях в мире
Олег avtomat:

More than 100,000 Americans demand that Soros be declared a terrorist

Quickly dialed in. Interesting processes. Founding fathers (kings) being torn down...
Reminds me of something... Proletarians of all countries unite! So what)))

Declare George Soros a terrorist and seize all of his related organizations' assets under RICO and NDAA law | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Declare George Soros a terrorist and seize all of his related organizations' assets under RICO and NDAA law | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Whereas George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens, has created and funded dozens (and probably hundreds) of discrete organizations whose sole purpose is to apply Alinsky model terrorist tactics to facilitate the collapse of the...
Олег avtomat:

The whole world knows that petitions on the White House website can be signed by anyone on earth regardless of citizenship or country of residence, afftar of the article knows it, klintsevich knows it and still -Over 100,000 Americans demanded....., US citizens called for..... AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Are you ever going to get over it?


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Interesting and Humorous

Rashid Umarov, 2017.08.07 14:28

Attention all members of the community!

For any posts with politics, which provoke the participants of the branch to mutual squabbles and insults, will be banned for a week. This applies primarily to attacks/mockery on national and territorial grounds. Discussion of historical facts in favour of this or that country/people, under the guise of objectivity, will also be purged.

Anyone who joins in the discussion of such provocative posts will be banned, no matter what you write in response to such a post. We are forced to take such measures to maintain order in the thread.


The cleansing process has begun.
