[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 244

Sanskrit is the oldest language.
02nnavagrah.rar  322 kb

Links and files need to be signed to make it clear whether they need to be opened at all and whether they can contain potentially dangerous software.

I could not assess the antiquity of the language, it sings indistinctly, humming and banging, disturbing listening Ж)

An audio file without an archive is not attached how to sign it? other files even read the alphabet.

Well, the archive isn't too bad, you open it and nothing starts on its own, but you don't know in advance what's inside. At least a couple of words about the contents.

The same request to those who post links - at least a couple of words to which site and what the page is about. Some sites plant Trojans, some tag, and some just rape the computer, as I do not remember the link to a site here posted, which immediately downloaded different files from thirty domains and runs a dozen flash drives. Youtube or other mainstream is immediately understandable, but let's say copy the title of the video is already worthy.


By the way, they seem to want to ban YouTube in Russia, it's crazy


By the way, they seem to want to ban YouTube in Russia, it's crazy

What do you mean by prohibiting Russian citizens from watching it, or do you mean preventing YouTube from showing its content to Russian citizens? At the moment, there are a lot of videos on YouTube that cannot be shown to residents of Russia. Reason enough not to go on it as a matter of principle.


In what sense, as an action on the Russian side so that Russian residents cannot watch it, or as an action on YouTube - not to show the content to Russian residents? At the moment, there are quite a few videos on YouTube that are not shown to Russian residents. Reason enough not to go on it as a matter of principle.

Not in all of Russia, but in some part of Russia, like a court ordered a provider to cut off access to YouTube for users because of extremist videos :)
Not in all of Russia, but in some part of Russia, like a court ordered a provider to block access to YouTube for users because of extremist videos :)

Yeah! The Internet is really coming into our lives.