Interesting and Humour - page 3967


First of all, you do.

I've got seven too, so where do I go for a million?

Aleksandr Volotko:

I've got 7 too, so where do I go for a million?

First you have to read the conditions - the size of the field


First you have to read the conditions - the size of the field

You have to place eight queens...

Aleksandr Volotko:

yo, yo, you've got eight queens to post...

scumbags, hl....


scumbags, xl....

hl they'd give a million if there was a solution...
Aleksandr Volotko:
If they'd give a million if there was a solution...
The humor is that there is a solution.
the humor is, there's a solution.

I won't run before you for a lemon, I swear.)

The humour is that there is a solution

So post a SOLUTION ALGORITHM for any dimension of the board other than a blunt search.


So post the SOLUTION ALGORITHM for this problem for any dimension of the board other than blunt brute force.

Задача о восьми ферзях — Википедия
Задача о восьми ферзях — Википедия
Зада́ча о восьми́ фе́рзя́х — широко известная задача по расстановке фигур на шахматной доске. Исходная формулировка: «Расставить на стандартной 64-клеточной шахматной доске 8 ферзей так, чтобы ни один из них не находился под боем другого». Подразумевается, что ферзь бьёт все клетки, расположенные по вертикалям, горизонталям и обеим диагоналям...
the humor is, there's a solution.

Better yet, show them a million bucks, then show us the cheque and we'll be happy for you.)