Interesting and Humour - page 3951


Shocking new age technology:

For several years, the "creators" of the life-giving sine claimed to have created a perpetual motion machine, they were even given "production space". The first one of the group, and there were several of them, did not create anything, although there were actually assembled motors. But they wrote plenty of books and made useless videos with theories and loud statements.

Everything is already hushed up, there is only an invigorating sine which warms up soft tissues. The health effects of this are by no means understood, and can have other effects on the human body over time.

PS. And it is probably forbidden by one's religion to take a video of an invigorating sinus while clothed.

a local character who left the forum also popped up online.


In general, of course, it is interesting to observe when old scientific discoveries are dug up from the past and used to make a tinny present, putting their own theories behind these effects and messing with the minds of the naive.

I wonder, they are not stupid people. Do they do it consciously or not.

If they do it consciously, they know very well what they are doing and they deserve to be condemned.

If not, they should be pitied because they are fooled by their own ideas and sincerely believe in them. But how then educated people can sometimes talk nonsense, do ideas overshadow common sense. And what makes these, as they consider themselves to be, decent people make statements with no practical basis and no real things.

Nah, don't get me wrong, I'm probably a romantic too, I don't deny the existence of this or that, and my ideas abound. That's just what's happening to people, especially in the scientific field.

It has now become fashionable to vilify existing science with no real evidence. Especially at floating scientific racket, which have worked a little in this or that scientific sphere and counting themselves already cleverer than those on whom they were trained, quite often insults of long dead scientific authorities, thus absolutely hungrily, having no basis for it at all.

Then there are tractor drivers who cannot make any money in the market, but shout that the Terver is humus and can easily make money on the SB.


For several years, the "creators" of the life-giving sinus claimed to create a perpetual motion machine, they were even given "production space". There was no one from the group, and there were several of them, who created anything, although there were actually assembled motors. But they wrote plenty of books and made useless videos with theories and loud statements.

Everything is already hushed up, there is only an invigorating sine which warms up soft tissues. Its effects on health have not been studied in any way and may turn out to have other effects on the human body after a while.

PS. And the videographer of the life-giving sine is probably religiously forbidden to do so while clothed.

I also noticed in the reflection that the operator is naked )))))))

sectarians, what do you get out of them......

i would not be surprised if they also have orgies there....


heating with electric coils is similar to putting a patient into a microwave )))))


For several years, the "creators" of the life-giving sinus claimed to create a perpetual motion machine, they were even given "production space". There was no one from the group, and there were several of them, who created anything, although there were actually assembled motors. But they wrote plenty of books and made useless videos with theories and loud statements.

Everything is already hushed up, there is only an invigorating sine which warms up soft tissues. The health effects of this are by no means understood and can have other effects on the human body after a while.

PS. And the person filming the life-giving sine must have a religion forbidding it with their clothes on.

The technology is old, it's called warming, it used to be heated with heating pads.

When elderly people have pain in their joints they just need a little heating and the pain temporarily subsides.

I've tried it myself. In the army, there was a thing in the infirmary that heated the joints with electromagnets,

a pillow was placed on the bruised area and a nurse plugged the equipment in and started the local heating

and the pain was relieved for a while.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

The technique is old, it's called warming, they used to use hot-water bottles.

When old people's joints hurt, all you have to do is warm them up a little and the pain temporarily subsides.

I've tried it myself, in the army there was some stuff in the medical unit that heated with electromagnets,

put a pillow on the bruise, then a nurse plugged the equipment in and started heating it locally.

And the pain was relieved for a while.

Yeah, I get it. But that's the right name for it, the heating. These guys, in a completely different sauce, sell it to people as a cure-all. Exorcising parasites))))).

These heatings were prescribed by doctors for very specific purposes, the main ones you described. And to use them for anything else is not desirable.

By the way, some sectarians who use these devices write in the comments that these coils help with bruises, for joints and something else (I do not remember). That is, they "help" only as before and only in those areas of application as before when prescribed by doctors. Fools think that once you get better after an injury (for example), you can apply them as glasses to anything, anytime and as long as you like.

It turns out that it is an article on causing harm to health. And to show how to do harm to health or promote the false doctrine on causing harm to health-article.

It's like that... these... (who after that... said you can't talk about these or those) .... You can't kill a goy directly, but if you dig a deep hole, put a long ladder down there, trick the goy to go down there and pull the ladder out, leaving him there forever-kill him-you can. It's not like it's direct "murder". Here's where the real genesis of what led to what happened in the 20th century came from.

Just like quick kills, only quick kills are outlawed. Slow killers are outlawed, tobacco alcohol.


The Tsarist censorship, on the other hand, let through...

Andrew Petras:

But the tsarist censorship allowed...

What's so rediculous about censorship?


Shocking new age technology:

I hope he had time to have children before the experiment.