Interesting and Humour - page 1972


Fucking hell. What's that got to do with God?

Ah, it's God's will :)

Конина - польза и вред, калорийность. Чем полезна конина
  • Administrator
Польза и вред конины были известны древним людям, которые готовили из мяса самые разные блюда. Продукт солили и вялили, варили и тушили, коптили и жарили.
each one is different.
that is, none.
I mean, none.
You should read the comments under the video - the voice of the people, so to speak.

it's just getting started


but who's the money for?

A proger's job.


payment of 200,000 quid

Paying Durov to break into the Telegram messenger

The first hack is in . Anonymous from Russia . The Americans (software firms) are biting their elbows.) Durov confirmed payment of 100,000.

The contest continues , the amount is the same .


Artist Fabo (Honduras), coloured pencil drawings.