Interesting and Humour - page 3790

Sergey Golubev:

But the negative moments just have to be remembered ... The good moments of that life do not need to be remembered, because there were more good ones, we were younger ...

Even dumplings... Back then, as a student, you go to a dumpling shop, buy three servings - and they smell great, and taste good, with vinegar, another portion with mayonnaise ...
But now you go to the supermarket, buy dumplings, put them on the boil, and then you get sick of the bad smell, ventilating the flat...

The human brain is designed so that the good things remain in memory, while the bad things are forgotten. Otherwise people would get depressed more often.

So don't buy dumplings for 100 rubles per kg, then you won't have to air them out.

Sergey Gridnev:

The human brain is designed so that good things are remembered and bad things are forgotten. Otherwise people would get depressed more often.

So don't buy dumplings for 100 rubles a kilo, then you won't have to air them out.

The politically correct Golubev has disguised by the smell of dumplings much more important things: the fundamental differences between socialism and all sorts of market economies.

Under socialism.

You walk down the street, buy a liver pie from the range: with meat, with rice and with pavid. In the summer there were also apple pies. All this without packaging, without advertising and, most importantly, without negative effects on the body - only benefits.

Why? The horrible mordor did not allow the poisoning of the workers. Dictatorship. Total lack of democracy in the field of poisoning people.


You go to high-end Azbuka Vkusa. You choose from a huge assortment of perfectly packaged and advertised munchies at three times the price of the neighbouring Perekrestok.

You go home. But it's highly advisable not to start eating immediately.


  • you have to graduate from food school,
  • and then you have to buy a big-ass food analysis lab,
  • learn how to analyze it,
  • analyze the composition.

And then... you eat and rejoice in freedom, democracy and the other joys of having no government in your life. And all this so that you don't get the idea that all this abundance, democracy and other nonsense is for one thing: so that this joyful individual doesn't get the idea that his existence is like that of a sheep, which is for wool and meat.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Under socialism.

You walked down the street and bought a liver pie from an assortment of meat, rice and pavid. In the summer there were also apple pies. All that without packaging, without advertising, and, most importantly, without negative consequences for the body - only benefits.


You walk down the street, want a pie, look around... go on smoking bamboo.

...As if individuals in the soviet Union were not on wool and meat?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The politically correct Golubev has disguised the smell of dumplings as far more important things: the fundamental differences between socialism and market economies of all kinds.

Under socialism.

You walk down the street, buy a liver pie from the range: with meat, with rice and with pavid. In the summer there were also apple pies. All this without packaging, without advertising and, most importantly, without negative effects on the body - only benefits.

Why? The horrible mordor did not allow the poisoning of the workers. Dictatorship. Complete absence of democracy in the field of poisoning people.

Don't tell us fairy tales! In 1988 I ate a cutlet in the technical school cafeteria and was hospitalized with poisoning. Although, it would seem, how can you get poisoned by bread?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

In my childhood:

People who lived in Soviet times find it very difficult to imagine the atmosphere of that time t-this was an optimistic atmosphere.

In my childhood and adolescence we all knew:

1. I was a child of the winners, my father had signed the Reichstag, there were always guests in my house, everybody was wearing orders and medals 2.

2. an absolute confidence in the future, something that was completely gone in the nineties.

3. a sense of everyday happiness.

4. Everyone read books.

5. Sport and chess. Chess is part of everyday life

6. Raised on several magazines: Youth Technology, Science and Life...


Here in North Korea now all are optimists, all are happy people )))

Северная Корея: «страна счастливых людей»
Северная Корея: «страна счастливых людей»
  • 2017.06.21
Лишь два раза в году приглашают сюда зарубежных гостей на главные праздники Северной Кореи – День Солнца и День Сияющей Звезды – учреждённые в честь прежних ...
Sergey Gridnev:

Don't tell us fairy tales here! I ate a burger at a technical college buffet in 1988 and ended up in the hospital with food poisoning. How, it would seem, can you get poisoned by bread?

Socialism was agonising in 1988 - socialism was condemned in 1987 by the decisions of the January and June plenums of the CPSU Central Committee.

I'm writing the early 80s at the most, or even the 70s.


Generalizing individual cases is the most typical way of distorting the situation in general.

СанСаныч Фоменко:


Generalising single cases is the most typical way of distorting the situation as a whole.

Some isolated cases... What are you talking about, my dear? I wrote about poisoning myself! I wrote about my experience, you see?

In the USSR, mass emergencies were generally concealed.


North Korea is all optimistic now, all happy people ))))

You personally and the entire "civilised world" know exactly:

1. the Koreans live badly

2. what it means to live "well".

Have you asked the Koreans?

Should we leave them alone? Should we remove the bases from South Korea, and at the same time the Americans who replaced the Japanese occupation administration there?

To all that, it would be useful to find out that North Korea's system has nothing to do with socialism and communism. It is based on the concept of juche = self-sufficiency, identity, self-reliance or "man is the master of all".

And an entire nation is willing to do anything to preserve its identity.

And quite a creepy red herring from these "poorly living Koreans".

To introduce here, in a vast territory, that we can live here at home as we want and dread to think - without "Western partners".

Sergey Gridnev:

Some isolated cases... What are you talking about, my dear? I wrote about being poisoned myself! I wrote about my experience, you see?

In the USSR, mass emergencies were hidden.

So you've generalised and summarised.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

You personally and the whole "civilised world" know exactly:

1. Koreans live badly

2. what it means to live "well".

Have you asked the Koreans?

Should we leave them alone? Should we remove the bases from South Korea, and at the same time the Americans who replaced the Japanese occupation administration there?

To all that, it would be useful to find out that North Korea's system has nothing to do with socialism and communism. It is based on the concept of juche = self-sufficiency, identity, self-reliance or "man is the master of all".

And an entire nation is willing to do anything to preserve its identity.

And quite a creepy red herring from these "poorly living Koreans".

To introduce here, in this vast territory, that we can live here at home as we want and dread to think - without "Western partners".

Are you the ones defending North Korea now?
