Interesting and Humour - page 3787


friends, what's mafia stuff to watch ?

something like "godfather", "soprano clan" or our "zone" ?

Denis Sartakov:

friends, what's mafia stuff to watch ?

something like "the godfather," "the soprano clan" or our "the zone" ?

City of God.

Denis Sartakov:

friends, what's mafia stuff to watch ?

like "the godfather," "the soprano clan" or our "zone"?

johnny dillinger.

Irishman (2011).

Black Mass.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

City of God

Thank you, friend...

Evgeny Belyaev:

Joni Dillinger.

Irishman (2011).

Black Mass.

thank you, friend...


Dmitry Fedoseev:


In other words - if there is space of n dimensions, then there are spaces of n+1 and n-1 dimensions. Is it like that?

The question is WHY and WHAT'S the point?

Thoughts aloud.

A sphere has a magnetic field - a torus.

If you pierce the globe with spokes through the corners of the Bermuda triangle so that the spokes go through the centre, on the other side of the globe there will also be a triangle with an anomalous zone. And there seem to be several such pairs. Plus: there are several zones with anomalous gravity on Earth. How they correlate is unknown, there seem to be only a few detected.

And what prevents, for example, the Moon from being the centre around which several Earths orbit, each in its own dimension? And the Moon is one in all of them.

A first date, but without love.
The world was divided before that, so as not to accidentally scrape by.

In my childhood:

People who lived in Soviet times find it very difficult to imagine the atmosphere of that time t-that was an optimistic atmosphere.

In my childhood and adolescence we all knew:

1. I was a child of the winners, my father had signed the Reichstag, there were always guests in my house, everybody was wearing orders and medals 2.

2. an absolute confidence in the future, something that was completely gone in the 90's.

3. a sense of everyday happiness.

4. Everyone read books.

5. Sport and chess. Chess is part of everyday life

6. Raised on several magazines: Youth Technology, Science and Life...


Андрей Фурсов. Михаил Елизаров. Мы родом из СССР
Андрей Фурсов. Михаил Елизаров. Мы родом из СССР
  • 2017.07.08
Золотой фонд ДеньТВ. Историк Андрей Фурсов и писатель Михаил Елизаров о достижениях советского строя, идеализме, вере в прогресс и счастливом детстве советск...
СанСаныч Фоменко:

In my childhood:

People who lived in Soviet times find it very difficult to imagine the atmosphere of that time t-this was an optimistic atmosphere.

In my childhood and adolescence we all knew:

1. I was a child of the winners, my father had signed the Reichstag, there were always guests in my house, everybody was wearing orders and medals 2.

2. an absolute confidence in the future, something that was completely gone in the nineties.

3. a sense of everyday happiness.

4. Everyone read books.

5. Sport and chess. Chess is part of everyday life

6. Raised on several magazines: Youth Technology, Science and Life...


1. My grandmother's pension was 48 rubles.

2. you can't do without daddy. - watch the first minute about the difference in mentality between Russians and Americans... and draw conclusions.

3. especially happy were the faces standing in an endless line at some beer stall. It was a bigger spectacle than a zoo.

4. In every library there was a secret shelf with books for their own use. Pinocchio and Lenin's life were for everybody, but more interesting books like Cooper, Dumas and Twain were for insiders only. Many books were banned by the censors.

5. There were no mass recreational sports. The aim of sports was to extract capable athletes from societies and prepare them for world demonstration. And there were banned sports, e.g. Karate, which were practiced in hiding, observing all the rules of conspiracy.

7. Not everybody had access to it, just like with good books from the library. But every child was obliged to subscribe to the Pioneer Truth newspaper, and every adult had to subscribe to something like the "Agitator's Notebook".

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. My grandmother's pension was 48 roubles.

2. it's not possible without daddy. - watch the first minute about the difference in mentality between Russians and Americans... and draw conclusions.

3. especially happy were the faces standing in an endless line at some beer stall. It was a bigger spectacle than a zoo.

4. In every library there was a secret shelf with books for their own use. Pinocchio and Lenin's life were for everybody, but more interesting books like Cooper, Dumas and Twain were for insiders only. Many books were banned by the censors.

5. There were no mass recreational sports. The aim of sports was to extract capable athletes from societies and prepare them for world demonstration. And there were banned sports, e.g. Karate, which were practiced in hiding, observing all the rules of conspiracy.

7. Not everybody had access to it, just like with good books from the library. But every child was obliged to subscribe to the Pioneer Truth newspaper, and every adult had to subscribe to something like the "Agitator's Notebook".

1. The stipend in institutes for otlichniki was 50 roubles. The especially gifted/affiliated had a Lenin scholarship (100 rubles).
For your information, you could get 5 rubles for a meal for two, order a salad and a couple of vodkas, and then there would be enough left over for a taxi.

2. Magazines and newspapers.
I remember Radio magazines (I remember, in the USSR I used an article from that magazine to make an antenna for receiving Polish channels at home, at the beginning of Solidarity) and Around the World. There were no problems with the subscription.
There was a scarcity of books later, almost simultaneously with the scarcity of vodka (I did not drink vodka and had to queue for books for 24 hours, the queue numbers were written on my hands with a pen - my hands were all scribbled... Now these books are sold without queues).

3. Sports were practised (by all who wanted to). However, I do not remember gyms like we have them now.

4 There were no queues for beer. On the contrary, there were a lot of beer bars. It was considered uncivilized to drink on the street, because you could always go to a beer bar and drink beer there - and everything was cheap.

5. What is now called a Nightclub used to be called a Disco, and even before that it was called a Dance. So it's the same thing, just different names. Now it's the same as in the USSR - "dancing", in the same rooms as decades ago, only different music, a lot more expensive liquor and you do not want to go there at all.

For example, at the end of 70s of the last century, we had an institution in our city called "Pig's Snout" - when there were no classes at the Institute, it was possible to go there for an hour, for instance. Now the institution is called Planet entertaining complex, probably even with party control, drinks from 800 rubles ... although it's the same as "Pig's Ryle" in front of the market ...

5. They were not afraid to socialize. We were not afraid to go out and invite unfamiliar people back to our homes.

6. We could take the train out of town, get off at an unfamiliar place, go deeper into the woods, set up a tent there, gather mushrooms, make a fire .... an overnight stay ... and nothing will happen to anybody ...

7. There were no problems with work. People always knew approximately where they would work now and in the future and approximately how much they would earn in a year, in five years,... etc..

8. Trains and food tours ... Us - to Lithuania for sausage, those who are closer to Moscow - to Moscow. But we (young people) didn't go on such trips.
- Then the Poles came to us for everything (they had gone into shock therapy in Poland),
- Then there were advertisements on every staircase in our city: "A team of Lithuanian builders will do repairs cheaply" - this was the start of shock therapy in Lithuania,
- Then we went shopping in Poland (shock therapy had already started in our town) ...
- renaming "Pig's Ryle" to Planet Nightclub
- ... etc.