Interesting and Humour - page 3782

Aleksey Levashov:

Lesha, what do you think of the connectors?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Lyosha, what about the connectors?

Yura, please elaborate. I'm not in the loop yet...
Aleksey Levashov:
Yura, please elaborate. I'm not on the subject yet...

I'll wait until you're on the subject.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
He used to hang out here on the forum at one point. It was funny.

That was 10 years ago, as I recall:) I don't think he's been around since.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I'll wait till you get into the subject.

I did get into the subject, but it's a very intimate subject - connectors... I'm shy :)
СанСаныч Фоменко:

the quintessential modern meaning of life - glamour eats dough, directly.

I only wonder if this is a permanent condition of humanity or a condition determined by current social attitudes....


You need to be able to read a map of paths, analyse the degree of treading and the logistics of passageways


But I wonder if this is a permanent condition of humanity or a condition determined by current social attitudes....

A basic question for civilisations

2000 years ago it was said:

By their fruits you shall know them(Matthew 7:16)

But the very wealthy empire of that time was in its heyday with the meaning of life:

"Bread and circuses".

The part of that empire known to us better as the Byzantine Empire took these words recorded by Matthew in 320 to action and lived on after the Roman Empire for over 1,000 years.

In 1917, they threw away all estates, all prehistory, including property history, and made a huge leap in world history with no resources at all, no help from the outside. And that's all: they judged people by their fruits and not by their pedigree, money or the profit made.

In 1956, the 20th congress proclaimed: the aim was to increase people's welfare, and then the 21st congress specified: meat, milk and butter. In 40 years such a dump was formed. We survived in a truncated form, like the Roman Empire.

How do you find this perspective on the development of civilisations?

Толкования Священного Писания. Толкования на Мф. 7:16
Толкования Священного Писания. Толкования на Мф. 7:16
По плодам их узнаете их. Собирают ли с терновника виноград, или с репейника смоквы Потому Спаситель и присовокупил: По плодам их узнаете их . У еретиков часто можно найти жизнь добрую; но у тех, о которых я сказал, – никогда. Скажешь: что, если они и тут притворяются? Но они удобно могут быть пойманы. Тот путь, по которому Христос заповедал...
Aleksey Levashov:
I got into the subject, but it's an intimate one - connectors... I'm shy :)


Aleksey Levashov:
I'm getting into the subject, but it's a very intimate subject... I'm shy :)

What's so intimate about it?

Simple papa-mama connectors :)
