Tons Of Indicators..! - page 2

As An EX employee of IBFX, would you recommend them as a broker?

NO, not even a little bit...

NO, not even a little bit...

Some informations to give to customers ... for argument your comment will be appreciated.

Some informations to give to customers ... for argument your comment will be appreciated.

Sorry, don't understand..? Is this request for more info or...?

I have no idea who is hosting this url or if it has been posted here before. It's a wonderful resource for MT4. I figured that I would share it in case it ever closes. That would be a shame...

If someone here has been hosting this page, thank you very much..!!

Here is another from #3 below:

Thanks for sharing

NO, not even a little bit...

Care to give any reasons why not?

Care to give any reasons why not?

Read my Interbankfx review on, that will sum it up pretty good... Basically, I don't like dishonest people...

You will have to scroll down quite a bit, my name is Dan Campbell.

Here is the Interbankfx review that I left on Just incase it's hard for some to find...

From: Dan Campbell, USA

Rating: SCAM

Date of Post: 2006-06-27

Review: I have been trading the spot forex for about 5 years now and I used Interbankfx for a little over 2 years. Like a lot of folks that have posted here, my experience at Interbankfx started out positive and to be fair, I used to work as a customer service rep at Interbankfx. So, I obviously liked them at one point. I started trading my own account and later became an IB. Everything worked fine, charts, prices, trades, even customer service was helpful. I knew ( because I worked there ) about the dealing desk issues, but like I said, " everything was going fine ". At first my trades were a mix of winners and losers, but towards the end and right before my problems started, I had long strings of winning trades. Then my problems started. I can't validate the other complaints, I can only offer my own. The issues started with a series of error messages when I tried to enter or exit trades. In other words, I couldn't exit live trades or open a new positions when I wanted to. Please re! member, I was not a news trader when I had my account at Interbankfx. So, these problems occurred during normal market conditions. I also had problems with my take profit orders. The market would go past my price, but the order wouldn't fill. However, my stops were always filled. My account would also get shut off without any warning or reason. Once when I called about the problem, the customer service rep told me and I quote, " the problem is out of "our" hands ". Well I knew what that meant, so I call Forex Liquidity and solved the problems myself. The rep at Forex Liquidity said that I was setting my limits too close??! and the final straw was 2 trades that magically opened while I was out of town. I just happened to check on the market and I saw the trades running!!! and they were about 70 in the red!!! I called but nothing could be done ( as usual, I will explain later ) so a put in a stop and a limit order for both trades. The price for the both limits on the trades we! re hit but the orders didn't fill!! I had to call and yell to get the orders closed. I would like to apologize to that customer service rep ( he is a good friend ), but I was extremely frustrated. I had had all that I was going to take..! From the first problem through the last I was constantly sending e-mails, calling and driving down to their physical location. I meet with the owner a couple times in person to discuss my concerns, but nothing was ever resolved and they eventually cancelled my IB agreement. I can only blame myself for sticking around as long as I did. I knew better from working there. Basically Interbankfx is just a hugh IB and they use Forex Liquidity to clear trades. My conclusion: one of two possibilities exists to explain my trading experience; either Interbankfx has serious technical issues that are out of their control and only seem to cause problems for successful traders or ....? Well, you get the idea. They should just be honest about, who and what t they really are. Until they at least do that, they will always be a scam in my book..!!


Sounds like a good reason to me. Thank you for the responce.

Sounds like a good reason to me. Thank you for the responce.

I guess it would be fair to say ( in response to my IBFX comments ) that I've used some 32 brokers now and I would only recommend 2 of the 31. My point is that IBFX is just one of many crappy brokers. IBFX burned me bad, but I'm only more vocal about it because I worked their.

So, sorry if you called IBFX with a problem when I worked there and I blew you off... I totally believe you now... and unfortuately, I "blew off" a lot of folks... That's why I'm vocal now, I feel bad about working there........

I guess it would be fair to say ( in response to my IBFX comments ) that I've used some 32 brokers now and I would only recommend 2 of the 31. My point is that IBFX is just one of many crappy brokers. IBFX burned me bad, but I'm only more vocal about it because I worked their.

So, sorry if you called IBFX with a problem when I worked there and I blew you off... I totally believe you now... and unfortuately, I "blew off" a lot of folks... That's why I'm vocal now, I feel bad about working there........

You recommend 2 out of 31! Wow, thats not much. Who are the lucky two?


Thanks Dan;

I have been on the winning side for a good period now, and recenlty I am facing lots of troubles with IBFX, I still think the problems I am facing is due to thier server upgrade/relocation but I am being more careful in my account . The good part is that I don't use TP or SL and I keep a good margin, that way I can get my self out of troubles.

