Interesting and Humour - page 3693

Alexander Antoshkin:
Unfortunately, mistakes where the right advisor/indicator is not available are as common in our country as "traffic cops" with beer bellies.Who needs the salesmen's excuses? What does the customer care why the product they want is not there?

He is not interested in the problems. He is interested in the solution, so at least minimal work needs to be done.First, come up with an excuse that does not denigrate his shop (although I would do without the salesman's excuses altogether). Second, explain that the problem is solvable. Thirdly, give a deadline for resolution (or promise to find out). Fourthly, take the customer's phone number or other contact details. Fifth, promise a discount for the inconvenience. And so on))) in general, ride on the ears of the client must be so selflessly that you yourself believe in the nonsense that you're talking, and the client so much the more!

read it again!

As if, yes, but did everyone notice what was left out of the handbook...
Alexander Antoshkin:
And how is it that backsliding, previously unequivocally rejected by the vast majority of citizens, has become a way of life? One can even laugh, though one should in fact cry.
At any given moment, the Overton Window encompasses an area of political ideas that can be considered acceptable in the current state of public opinion, views that a politician can hold without fear of being accused of excessive radicalism or extremism. The window shift that makes certain political actions possible does not happen when ideas change among politicians, but when they change in the society that votes for those politicians.

I'll go and see... what the Overton window means.
Sergey Nokhrin:

I'm gonna go see... what the overton window means.

I took a quick look... it's bullshit...
it's an extension of the utopian model that's being shoved around in one form or another!
it's all alien to me personally!
You have to develop the mind... the intellect goes without saying too, you also need to develop memory - that's the mind!
And most importantly, you need to develop spirituality, which remained only in the orthodox man.
Sergey Nokhrin:
...and most importantly, it is necessary to develop spirituality, which has remained only in the Orthodox man.
And what about Catholics (and other branches of Christianity), Muslims, Jews, Buddhists? Do you think they are completely without spirituality?
Aleksey Levashov:
What about Catholics (and other streams of Christianity), Muslims, Jews, Buddhists? Do you think they are completely spiritless?

good man - just don't start!
you need to understand what spirituality is!, and then there will be an answer to all questions, or rather the one - you will start to ask the right questions, as sometimes the answers are limited.

I believe and believe with certainty that spirituality is the development of the mind to be able to control one's body and energy of thought... for example... to teach one's mind to read another's thoughts at a distance (there is a scientific term for this action), but if mankind masters this skill, then life on earth will change fundamentally....
you think of the consequences... if you think it up correctly, everyone will be amazed.
here is a question - is earth's civilization the only one in the universe?
that question will only tell me the answer... perhaps someone else will also understand what it was asked for.
Sergey Nokhrin:

good man - just don't start!
you need to understand what spirituality is!, and then there will be an answer to all questions, or rather the one - you will start to ask the right questions, as sometimes the answers are limited.

I believe and believe with certainty that spirituality is the development of the mind to be able to control one's body and energy of thought... for example... to teach one's mind to read another's thoughts at a distance (there is a scientific term for this action), but if mankind masters this skill, then life on earth will change fundamentally....
you think of the consequences... if you think it up correctly, everyone will be amazed.
here is a question - is earth's civilization the only one in the universe?
that question will only tell me the answer... perhaps someone else will also understand why it was asked.

Of course it's the only one.

In a world where only orthodox believers have "spirituality", earthly civilisation is the only one in the universe.

Only there is no universe - there is a firmament to which the stars are nailed.

Sergey Nokhrin:

good man - just don't start!
you need to understand what spirituality is!, and then there will be an answer to all questions, or rather the one - you will start to ask the right questions, as sometimes the answers are limited.

I believe and believe with certainty that spirituality is the development of the mind to be able to control one's body and energy of thought... for example... to teach one's mind to read another's thoughts at a distance (there is a scientific term for this action), but if mankind masters this skill, then life on earth will change fundamentally....
you think of the consequences... if you think it up correctly, everyone will be amazed.
here is a question - is earth's civilization the only one in the universe?
that question will only tell me the answer... perhaps someone else will also understand what it was asked for.
You must be a philosopher... It is said that when a philosopher answers a question, the one who asked the question forgets what he was asking.

Of course it is the only one.

In a world where only orthodox believers have "spirituality", earthly civilisation is the only one in the universe.

Only there is no universe - there is a firmament to which the stars are nailed.

so much writing... and something happened... Okay, well... let's get past it.