Interesting and Humour - page 3688


We are becoming more and more civilised...

ЦБ утвердил правила операций для форекс-дилеров
ЦБ утвердил правила операций для форекс-дилеров
  • 2017.05.02
  • Наталья Селиверстова / РИА Новости
Банк России согласовал первый базовый стандарт работы на финансовом рынке, говорится в сообщении регулятора. Документ устанавливает единые правила совершения операций для форекс-дилеров. Как пояснил зампредседателя ЦБ Владимир Чистюхин, применение стандартов позволит унифицировать порядок и сроки проведения различных операций, а также будет...

В него влюбился весь Китай.Русский парень на шоу талантов в Китае. Гордей Колесов.
В него влюбился весь Китай.Русский парень на шоу талантов в Китае. Гордей Колесов.
  • 2016.10.07
ЗАРАБОТОК ДО 300 РУБЛЕЙ В ДЕНЬ- 20 рублей за задание. ----------------------------------- Подпишись ...


Why an A4 sheet of paper of this size?

Alexander Antoshkin:

Drink Drink, but be reasonable

If to follow the matryoshka, a favourite Russian folk toy, the formula for the interdependence of Russian liquid volume measures would look like this

1 barrel = 40 buckets = 400 shots = 800 half shots = 1600 chetushkas = 4000 charkas = 8000 scales.

Tough formula. Impressive.

What's a pound for a pound?

It's Zadornov's place. He'll pick out anything that comes to mind, like "unt" .He'll analyse it and say that the English descended from the Russians, and they in turn descended from the ancient Eskimos who lived in the north of Tartary, when dinosaurs were still tame, and there were free-ranging herds of nomadic deer ancestors, whose skins were supplied to the Eskimos by Aryans who could communicate with these deer telepathically. These were the skins from which the parents of western civilization made the ounts. And the letter f originally was in, "in-unt" i.e. to put the foot in the unt. And the measure was in feet (not to be confused in feet, it is from Atlantis), it is later the ancient Russians, having knowledge of ancestors Aryans adopted this measure and began to measure with elbows, but at that time they measured with feet.

Later, they wanted to hide the truth from us and replaced the letter v with f.

Simple, though.

Alexander Antoshkin:
And a 'daredevil' is someone who plays dangerous games with a daredevil, right? .....
No, it's a Vietnamese hack called Lee).
You don't like black humour, you're a racist.
Alexander Antoshkin:
And a "daredevil" is someone who plays dangerous games with a daredevil, right? .....

He is a daredevil who rides recklessly. There were no wheels before, except for gods on divine chariots. Ordinary mortals rode on their own wheels. So they only rode on their own wheels, hence the dash-step. And the question of what a pound is dashing (we have already chewed up the pound), means the size between toes of one foot and the heel of the other when stepping in feet.

Before, there was no usury, there was no concept of money, and whom-it did not mean price, but a question of size, as well as pokoda, dokuda, as well as the answer to them-here, to here, at the very...

Hence-How much is a pound of dough-asking what size you have in your own feet between one toe and the heel of the other when you step. Perhaps it was asked mainly by tailors who had to calculate the angle between the legs at a step not to tear the pant legs between each other, to calculate the size of trousers from heel to the point of their connection and the size of trousers from this point to the place of their causation.

Note that this size is subjective, hence the conclusion about the knowledge of fractality our ancient ancestors had. After all, the values were measured in their own subjective sizes, in one part of something - the size of the other part was expressed. Hence the expression "poop" is not a distorted consequence of hiding the truth from us. But only the dimension of personal subjective feeling about something. Naturally, this dimension may be applied to everything, but at the same time it is different for everybody, as well as the organ, by which it is measured. Like this.

And you me-Michelangelo, Leonardo with his pictures of a man with his arms outstretched. The ancient ancestors knew everything long before them. The proportions of the universe and fractality are eternal.
