Interesting and Humour - page 3660

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Soap for soap. But now on sale is sour cream (or rather a knockoff of sour cream) with milk fat substitute. Good thing the can honestly says what's in it. Other products with milk fat replacer, particularly condensed milk, are practically inedible. And then there's the fancy stuff - condensed milk with "USSR" written on it - and substitute milk fat on the inside.

In general, the principles of shopping have not changed at all, you have to keep your eyes open and not flick your beak.

Didn't you praise the market economy as opposed to the planned economy a page earlier? You wanted diversity - get it!

There's no cheating. The label says what's in it.

Do you want to choose a good stew? It should say: GOST, meat content, water, salt, pepper. There shouldn't be anything else there. It's the same with canned fish. Choose, look, there is always a choice.

Show me at least one Western equivalent of "Controlled Buying" or "Habitat.
Andrey Dik:

That is the second question.

Besides, experience tells me not to engage in dialogues with you, after which I usually end up in a bathhouse.


Andrey Dik:

What is the point of all this?

Generally, it is strange to hear such things from people who make money out of money. The modern world is ruled by money, there is a cult of money everywhere, unfortunately. Where in the world is it not like that now? All over the world 99% of the wealth is concentrated in the 1% of the population. That's right, just so you know.

All is not as well off as they are trying to show. And they do not "show it" for nothing. You think there are no homeless people, vagrants, thieves, murderers? You are wrong, very wrong. And "there" you will not be considered a human being if you do not have your credit card.

Less whining and snivelling. You only have to do and be responsible for your words and your actions. We are all mortal and it is in our hands to raise physically and morally healthy children to replace scum with time. It's not the politicians who are bad, it's the people. We are the ones creating this shit around us. What, Poo tells us to throw the bin out the window? Is it Pu's fault that people shit and piss in lifts? Raise normal kids and don't shit wherever you can, and society will get better.

Your post smacks of extremism and an attempt to overthrow the lawful authority. Once again, it all starts with you. Think about what you have done for the country you live in. Why do you live here and work for the backbenchers?

Oh! ... It's catching... It's a good thing you got it.

I do not care how they are, what matters to me personally is how we are doing here.

An old lady with a pension of 12-14 and a 4.7 municipal fee does not tickle your mind? Where does the money for vineyards, villas, summer houses and trainers come from?

If you really want to compare - there, you should immediately resign for something like that, but here you should not sell your own.

Even if a bribe or theft, one could get 10 years while the other is put under house arrest, but should it be more balanced and equal for all? The law is like a rod, wherever you turn (the ruler), that's where you turn...

Alexandr Andreev:

Huh.... You don't want to live on wages that are 3 thousand rubles (although there is a minimum wage, but nobody banned the minimum wage in the % of the minimum wage) - you still have to go to work ... Grandmothers have a pension with a minimum of 6500 rubles ... with utilities in the 2-3 t. rubles. (I am taking the province now) - not even a deep village but a town with a population of 5-6 thousand people. Moreover, an iPhone here costs the same, and cars also cost the same ..... What can I say, even yoghurt costs 20-30% more than in Moscow , because it has logistics and this is baby yoghurt.

And there are other places where it's worse.... so your example is a very chocolaty one.... But it's not this forum's business)) we program here, we create.

+++ that's right, I took what I saw in person.

Andrey Dik:

I should add, soon Russia will be the only country that does not accept GMOs in any way. "There" do not give a shit about people's health, the main thing is money. Freedom of speech? Hell no! Try to say something there that contradicts their ideas of "correct" science and you will be deprived of the right to teach, conduct research, you will become an outcast. It's a place where it's accepted to be like everyone else, individuality is not welcomed. And women there pay for themselves.

And take their fugitive generals and other ex-servicemen. Why do they come all the way to Russia? Why do they complain and cry about how bad it is for them there?

We are too kind, we should chase everyone away, all newcomers and traitors, chase them all away with piss rags, and give them a shoulder to cry on. When you need help with money, help America, when you need real help and protection, help Russia. Fuck you all, ask for help from whoever you give it to.

That's a nice expression, "Popentagonate and quit".

And you shouldn't resemble scumbags like Navalny, who arrange mass unrest under plausible pretexts, who quietly throw rocks at police officers and kick law enforcement officers, and then hide in the crowd, who then whine "that's what the police do, they run amok, they put them in jail", while not shying away from financing from abroad.

I will get banned again, but Yury, I will never be able to get past such statements about my country. Defend your country, work, raise the young population, and forbid boys to use foul language and shit in the stairwell - that's the right thing to do to save the country. What you are doing is very ugly and should be stopped at the root.

The country is not how people live and steal in Moscow. The country is us, ordinary people who live in cities. The country is the entrances, streets and public transport where you MUST NOT litter or shit. You see, everything starts with you, with us, not with those in power. Those in power are the former us.

That' s why I do not want to live with such attitudes, when some people have vineyards and villas with trainers at the expense of the state budget which has been rationally allocated!

Others have pensions of 6500 and 2-3 or 12000-14000 rubles and 4700-4800 rubles in communal service.

There is too big a difference.

No, to ban you or me, Dimitri or Mishek or anyone else, in this situation means to admit that we have a flourishing lack of freedom of speech, all the more so because we are the only thread on this forum,

I do not know where to find them, where they are officially allowed to flood the place and take liberties. We do not use foul language, we are not rude or even rude, there is no crime.

Please note that this is not even a conversation about politics - it's just about pensions, trainers and even corruption.

And there are no calls for anti-constitutional actions, we just have to wait for the elections and do everything legally. And, as you say, I stand by YOUR phrase. Of course, we must start with ourselves, but those who are above, they must and can also set an example.

If the majority of pensioners, students, doctors and teachers suddenly want to live like that, realizing that their pension will be 6500-12000 with utilities, 2000 or 4700-4900.

So you have to keep seeing vineyards, villas, trainers and watches with an insane price tag that exceeds your annual income (everything else is honestly stolen from the budget)

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Oh! ... It's catching on... That's a good thing. It's a good thing.

I don't give a damn about how they're doing. What's important to me is how we're doing here.

An old lady with a pension of 12-14 and a utility bill of 4.7 does not catch on? And where does the money come from for vineyards, villas, summer cottages and trainers?

If you really want to compare - there, you should immediately resign for something like that, but here you should not sell your own.

Even if a bribe or theft, one could get 10 years while the other is put under house arrest, but should it be more balanced and equal for all? The law is like a rod, wherever the ruler turns, that's where it goes ...

+++ Yes, that's right, I took what I saw in person.

That' s why I do not want to live with such attitudes, when some people have vineyards and villas with trainers at the expense of a budget that has been cleverly cut!

And others with a 6500 pension and 2-3 or 12000-14000 rent and 4700-4800 rent

There is too big a difference.

No, to ban you or me, Dimitri or Mishek or anyone else, in this situation means to admit that we have a flourishing lack of freedom of speech, all the more so because we are the only thread on this forum,

Where there is an official permission to talk trash and take liberties. We do not use foul language, we are not rude or even rude, there is no crime.

Please note that this is not even a conversation about politics - it's just about pensions, trainers and even corruption.

And there are no calls for anti-constitutional actions, we just have to wait for the elections and do everything legally. And, as you say, I stand by YOUR phrase. Of course, we must start with ourselves, but those who are above, they must and can also set an example.

If the majority of pensioners, students, doctors and teachers suddenly want to live like that, knowing that their pension will be 6500-12000 with utilities, 2000 or 4700-4900.

So you have to keep seeing vineyards, villas, trainers, watches with an insane price tag that exceeds your annual income (everything else is honestly stolen from the budget)

"Alice - Man is the king of nature. Captain Green - only the beasts do not know it".

When you go to the bathroom, you can argue to the moderator that we have freedom of speech, and that it was not politics.

Stop provoking people.

Lets in the heat of the battle not forget that MQ forum is a private site that people have invested a lot of real money, and they do not like to get banned by roskomnadzor. And in terms of infowarfare it's easy.


On the eve of Easter at the London Zoo

On the eve of Easter at the London Zoo

Nikolay Demko:

"Alice - Man is the king of nature. Captain Green - only the beasts don't know that".

When you go to the bathhouse, you'll be proving to the moderator that we have freedom of speech, and that it waaaaaayyyyyy wasn't politics at all.

Stop provoking people.

Lets in the heat of the battle not forget that MQ forum is a private site that people have invested a lot of real money, and they do not like to get banned by roskomnadzor. And in terms of infowargon it's easy.

Exactly, go and broadcast there how bad life is for the blacks in America, how they came and wiped out the entire native population. And here, Yuri, don't.
Andrey Dik:

Exactly, go and broadcast over there how bad life is for the blacks in America, how they came and wiped out the entire native population. And here, Yuri, don't.

I've had enough of you, calm down, nobody's bothering you.

I've had it with you. Calm down, no one's touching you.

Did anyone touch you? Why are you always popping out of the box?
You're a nobody on this forum and your name is nothing.