Interesting and Humour - page 3653

Mihail Marchukajtes:
The video shows him being hauled off unceremoniously. What's surprising is the fact that he was treated like a criminal....

How else could he be, he's been made redundant,

extra passengers on board are outlawed)


On 12 April 1954, the legendary American musician Bill Haley recorded the hit "Rock Around The Clock". This date was the starting point for a new musical trend.

It's also Sunshine Weaving Day.
Are there no astronauts here? Gagarin is resurrected!

You make a very controversial thesis on life in the USA and prove it with an example from your own country....

That's really weird.

The man will get about a million in the worst-case scenario.

And this is in Russia to compare attitudes.

«Стыд и позор»: снятому с рейса из-за слишком длинных ног волейболисту грозят судом
«Стыд и позор»: снятому с рейса из-за слишком длинных ног волейболисту грозят судом
Волейболист новоуренгойского клуба «Факел» Александр Кимеров был снят с рейса Самара — Москва из-за длинных ног. Спортсмен пытался поменяться местами с одной из пассажирок, чтобы занять более удобное кресло, но получил отказ от стюардессы. В итоге был вызван наряд полиции и спортсмена, чей рост составляет 2,15 м, сняли с рейса. О причинах скандала и о возможных судебных разбирательствах — в материале RT.
Петербургские казаки пригрозили Трампу лишением звания есаула и почётного казака
Петербургские казаки пригрозили Трампу лишением звания есаула и почётного казака
Петербургские казаки могут разжаловать американского президента Дональда Трампа и лишить его ранее присвоенных ему званий есаула и почётного казака. Как передаёт «Росбалт», об этом заявил атаман петербургского городского казачьего общества «Ирбис» Андрей Поляков. Причиной возможного разжалования Трампа, по словам Полякова, являются его действия...
Pavel Gotkevitch:
Trump's tragedy: he will not be a Cossack and an honorary Cossack!

Here he sits in Washington not even aware of the impending tragedy......

54% of Russianstudents support a law to keep children off social media

54% студентов РФ поддерживают закон о недопуске детей в соцсети
54% студентов РФ поддерживают закон о недопуске детей в соцсети
  • 2017.04.12
  • Светлана Останина
Большинство студентов считают, что нужно запретить регистрацию в соцсетях детям не достигшим 14 лет. Об этом свидетельствует результат онлайн-опроса, который провёл Центр В опросе приняли участие более 1800 студентов из 30 регионов страны. Пользователи, не являющиеся студентами, не отвечали на вопросы анкеты, и их мнения в итоговую выборку...
СанСаныч Фоменко:

54% of Russianstudents support law banning children from social media

That's how interesting, I don't know a single person who has been asked about this. As well as many other percentages of public opinion on various other issues. San Sanych, have you been asked for your opinion? Have any of your acquaintances been asked? Where did these percentages come from?

See San Sanych, here is the national peculiarity of the approach. Solving a problem (although you can't even call it a problem) through prohibition. Just ban it, and how they should live and what they should do, it is their personal problem. Children from 12 to 14 years of age, are already quite conscious and independent persons. So they will wander the streets, smoke in porches. Why the question is solved through the prohibition, and not through providing children with employment? Why not increase the number of various hobby groups, sports sections, clubs... to involve the children. - No, it's simple, just ban it and that's it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

That's how interesting it is, I don't know a single person who has been asked about it. Like many other percentages of public opinion on various other issues. San Sanych, have you been asked for your opinion? Have any of your acquaintances been asked? Where did these percentages come from?

But see San Sanych, here is the national peculiarity of the approach. The solution to a problem (although it cannot even be called a problem) is through prohibition. Just ban and that's it, and how they should live and what they should do is, like, their own problem. Children from 12 to 14 years of age, are already quite conscious and independent persons. So they will wander the streets, smoke in porches. Why the question is solved through the prohibition, and not through providing children with employment? Why not increase the number of different hobby groups, sports sections, clubs... to involve children in them. - No, it's simple, just ban it and that's it.

The secret is simple, questionnaires are sent to local (municipal) administrations, and the administrations' specialists are given the task of conducting a survey and filling out questionnaires.

Well, they do just that: they fill out questionnaires, some honestly and others from scratch. At least that is how opinion polls on the work of local and regional authorities are carried out.

They probably do the same thing with students, they send questionnaires to universities and task specialists to conduct a survey and fill out the questionnaires.)

That's all.

In general, Rossstat is in charge of statistics (a natural monopoly in Russia in this respect).