Interesting and Humour - page 3662

Vadim Baklanov:
It is more likely that the authorities in Russia simply do not control this issue due to illiteracy. I can easily buy GMO apples in the shop and eat other GMO products without worrying. The danger of GMOs is rather hypothetical and has not yet been proven.

Every scientific advancement is at first accepted with great difficulty. For example the Church called electricity an invention of the devil, but now there is no church without an electrical box, opinions seem to have changed.

Also, we send ourselves and our loved ones to the surgical table to have appendicitis out, or a hernia - and in the Middle Ages they burned at the stake for research on anatomy, without which this would have been impossible.

Time will pass and GMOs will be dealt with somehow.
I do not understand one thing about this corruption - and to hell with it... we have a habit of giving money to everyone - we are so tough... We don't pay workers enough, but we have to lick an official... He can clean up afterwards if something happens - he'll turn a blind eye to the same lawlessness with non-payment of wages on time... They'll cover up the gangsters... pensioners will survive somehow... no one has ever died of hunger, there are many cases of vodka - it's boring to live without vodka, but you can't afford it otherwise - that's the problem... but it's clear - Crimea - yes, Syria - yes, sanctions - a very big yes... yes, we have to take the hit...((
Сергей Криушин:

I signed you up to volunteer for Syria - get your shots on Monday and fly to Sevastopol on Tuesday. The ship leaves on Wednesday morning......

It's like on the Internet - all the "heroes", but as for dying for Assad in the trenches near Aleppo - no one......


Children in Omsk have to get to school through a huge puddle by climbing a fence.

Someone put the soundtrack from Fort Boyard on this video.

"Форт Боярд" по-Омски: видеоролик бьет все рекорды по просмотрам
"Форт Боярд" по-Омски: видеоролик бьет все рекорды по просмотрам
На днях в социальных сетях появился видеоролик из Омска про трех девочек-школьниц, на которое наложили музыку из популярной приключенческой телеигры - квеста "Форт Боярд". Все вместе, изображение и аудио, создают веселое настроение. На кадрах три...
Igor Konyashin:

Children in Omsk have to get to school through a huge puddle by climbing a fence.

Someone put the soundtrack from Fort Boyard on this video.

There you go... Instead of picking up a shovel and shoveling snow and ice for the water to go away - he will make a video and complain about what a bad government we have and corrupt communal varmints.
Andrey Dik:
Oh, yeah... Instead of picking up a shovel and shoveling snow and ice for the water to go away, he would make a video and complain about how bad our government is and how corrupt communal workers are.

Did you read it as a child? There was once a man who was very fond of telling everyone what to do:

Мастер Пфрим сказкою
Мастер Пфрим сказкою
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Был мастер Пфрим человек маленький, худощавый, но бойкий, и не имел он ни минуты покоя. Его лицо, на котором торчал один только вздернутый нос, было рябое и мертвенно бледное, волосы седые и взъерошенные, глаза маленькие, они бегали у него беспрестанно по сторонам. Все он замечал, все всегда ругал, все знал лучше всех и во всем всегда был прав...
Igor Konyashin:

The children in Omsk have to get to school through a huge puddle, climbing the fence.

Someone put the soundtrack from Fort Boyard on this video.

It's okay. No snot, though.

Frost the Red Nose" (1863) There are women in Russian villages With quiet importance of faces, With beautiful strength in their movements, With a gait, with the look of tsaritzas, - Would a blind man not notice them, And the sighted one says about them: "She will pass - like the sun will shine!
They walk in the same way as all our people walk, But the dirt of our wretched situation doesn't stick to them. She's a blooming beauty, the world's wonder. She's blushing, slender, tall. She's beautiful in all her clothes, She's good at all her work. She endures hunger and cold, Always patient, steady... I've seen her mowing: With a wave she's a mop! Her scarf is loose on her ear, Her tresses might fall. Some boy has dared to throw them up, the jester!

The plaits fell down on her swarthy bosom, Covering her bare feet, making it hard for the peasant woman to see. She drew them back with her hands, She looks at the boy in anger. Her face is majestic as in a frame, She burns with embarrassment and anger... On weekdays she's not idle. But you'll never know, When a smile of joy Shoots the labour stamp off her face. Such hearty laughter, such song and dance, You can't buy a dime for that. "A joy!" - In a game a horse won't catch her, In trouble she won't run away, She'llstop a horse on the gallop, In a burning house she'll enter! Beautiful, straight teeth, As big pearls she has, But strictly ruddy lips Keep their beauty from people - She smiles rarely.She has no time to wrestle, She has no neighbour to beg for a basket or a pot, She has no mercy on the poor wretch, She can walk free without work, She has the stamp of her deeds and inner strength In her soul.

She has a clear and strong conscience, That all their salvation is in work, And work is her reward: Her family is not in want, They always have warm house, Bread is baked, Kvass is tasty, Healthy and full children, For the holiday there is an extra piece.

On her way to mass this woman With her whole family in the front: Sitting like a chair, Two-year-old child on her chest, Row by row her six-year-old son The well-toned womb leads... And to the hearts of all those who love Russian people!
Сергей Криушин:
... But it is clear - Crimea yes, Syria yes, sanctions - a very big yes - yes, we should hold the blow...((

Do we have to?

Yes, it is necessary to deal with situations that are not due to our ill-conceived actions (external aggression, natural disasters, etc.).

But why should we expose ourselves to a blow and then "heroically" hold it?

And what kind of fate-villain is this - "to overcome difficulties that we so easily create for ourselves"?

Andrey Dik:
There you go... Instead of picking up a shovel and shoveling the snow and ice for the water to go away, he will shoot a video and complain about what a bad government we have and corrupt communal varmints.
Well, okay. I'm a PhD candidate, a project manager in the defense industry, I'll pick up a shovel and go do the work that have to"corrupt communal varmints" (your words, Andrei).

They actually get paid... And even for work not done.

And these utility workers are ready to do my job for me, when I will swing a shovel for them?

Andrey, I think you would agree that order will be when everyone will faithfully perform their job.

Otherwise,"Trouble ifthe cobblerstarts bakingcakes andthe cobbler startsshovellingboots" (I. Krylov).
Aleksey Levashov:

Do we have to?

Yes, we have to deal with situations that are not due to our ill-conceived actions (external aggression, natural disasters, etc.).

But why should we expose ourselves to a blow and then "heroically" hold it?

And what kind of fate-villain is this - "to overcome difficulties that we so easily create for ourselves"?

Living like the wise fisherman, taking an ostrich's stance at the slightest threat from the West is not an option either... they were the first to bomb Yugoslavia... although they also blame us a lot... we are now all their faults...