Interesting and Humour - page 3656


Did you lick it?

Don't extrapolate your habits to everyone

You have to use your head a little to understand what you're saying.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

You have to use your head a little to understand what is being said.

I'm a very tolerant person, but you shouldn't attribute your sexual preference to strangers.

I'm a very tolerant person, but you shouldn't attribute your sexual preferences to strangers.

Has there ever been a word about sex? Licking is associated with sex? Freud would have been delighted with such a patient.

You couldn't find any other words in the text except lick? It was a distracting message, some will jump on this word like a bull on a rag, without reading further and probably without even understanding the rest.


It's time to take

Тест процессора AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
Тест процессора AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
  • 2017.04.13
  • Sergey Suslov
AMD Ryzen 5 1500X устанавливает новые рекорды в ценовом диапазоне до 15 000 рублей. Процессор среднего класса с четырьмя ядрами убедителен благодаря результатам, продемонстрированным в бенчмарках, современной микроархитектуре и хорошему соотношению цены и качества. Для экономных геймеров через некоторое время Ryzen 5 может превратиться в...
Vladimir Karputov:

It's time to go for it.

I'll never buy an AMD, it's a hell of a CPU. 2 or 4 cores, it's bullshit...

I ordered a new laptop with i5 4 cores and 2.4 cores - I will add 16gb of RAM and think it will be a rocket.

my choice is the stumps.

Инженеры научились программировать материалы во время 4D-печати
Инженеры научились программировать материалы во время 4D-печати
  • 2017.04.14
  • Владимир Королев
Инженеры из Сингапура, Китая и США разработали новую методику 4D-печати — создания объектов с «запрограммированным поведением во времени». Она основана на материалах с памятью формы, однако, в отличие от традиционных методов, не требует многостадийной закалки образцов — результат печати сразу готов к использованию. Среди возможных применений...
Microsoft прекратила поддержку Windows Vista
Microsoft прекратила поддержку Windows Vista
  • 2017.04.12
  • Николай Воронцов
Корпорация Microsoft официально прекратила поддержку операционной системы Windows Vista. Соответствующая запись опубликована на портале техподдержки Microsoft. Windows Vista — операционная система, выпущенная в 2006 году для корпоративных клиентов и в 2007 году для частных пользователей. После выхода Vista подверглась критике — несмотря на...
СанСаныч Фоменко:

This Kukushkin is just another exalted devotee of the rule of law. He would do better to spend time on his education rather than drooling: the company itself cannot buy anything at all, not even a cheeseburger, because it is the shareholders' money, not the company's. And Kukushkin would do well to know that in relation to the customer, the market economy is based on the basic principle: DO NOT TRANSFORM, DO NOT SELL.

That, San Sanych, is where you are very wrong. A market economy is based on the principle that you SELL IF you ACTUALLY DO IT. But in a planned sub-state economy, it is easy to sell fake goods to the masses. In a market economy, no one would buy a fake product, because there is competition and choice.
СанСаныч Фоменко:


This whole market economy in the sense of price regulation is bullshit. Even in a bazaar it doesn't work - everyone has the same price.

Have you ever been to a bazaar? Or are you just a... room theorist? Prices are the same at the bazaar, because they are based on purchasing power of buyers and possible volumes of sellers. When a van arrives from a dairy plant, the price is lower because the volume is higher and the quality is lower. There are also a couple of bazaar traders with lower prices, at least to haggle quickly and go about their business, or they are in need of money.