Interesting and Humour - page 3483

Dmitry Fedoseev:
What do you mean, nothing? Here I told you what the mechanism was like. Don't you understand?
Did you understand what I told you?
СанСаныч Фоменко:
Did you understand what I told you?
Generally speaking, no details.

The police seized a Lamborghini Murcielago SV from its driver for breaking local laws three years ago. And then yesterday, in front of journalists and onlookers, they literally tore the car to pieces. Just to let others know: breaking laws is bad for you.

I wonder what the point of that is


7. deadly sins

8. Like
СанСаныч Фоменко:

There is another case of the same writer.

The committee was unable to deal with the secretary, so they wrote that it wasn't known.

The scientific council met, they heard everyone. When they got to the secretary, everybody started to laugh. Everybody except the chief. His wife was sitting in the hall and for her, "unknown" means fact.

And where did the wife come from on the scientific council, eh? It's a mismatch.
Vladimir Tkach:
And where did the wife come from on the scientific council, eh? It doesn't add up.

Because it was real democracy.

Anyone could come to the Scientific Council, and, moreover, anyone could take the floor not only in the debates, but also suggest their own topic for the Scientific Council. And this was welcomed. And if it was on the point, one could speak many times. True, the word was taken away for life for such rubbish; the rhetoricians and demagogs were strangled at every turn. Flooding and trolling was impossible.

And here the wife's interests were affected in the complaint. No one would think of restricting it.

That is if it is a specific case from my life.

And if in general, there was a whole host of different instruments and methods in the USSR that ensured the real, not just rally rights of the citizens. The essence of socialism is the collective over the individual. Therefore, an individual could fight for their rights in organizations of all kinds, which were countless, ranging from house-to-house meetings, SHCs ... to the central government and party organs. Today, when you relate to the masses, you begin to understand the meaning of true democracy for everybody, not just for the elite. Back then, sometimes you were sick of all the collectivism - you were always looking over your shoulder: what if someone criticized you, wrote a complaint... ...and you'd be screwed.

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