Interesting and Humour - page 4234


Animals live in the astral world which is between the material world and the divine world where light beings dwell and divine light shines.

This is the well known standard structure of the worlds, which can be read about in many sources.

Astral copy of a man also dwells in the astral world where it can be attached to various animals that live there.

In the same place dwell all sorts of besika and other dark creatures of unpleasant appearance. If a man due to ignorance will hesitate, will ruin himself with stress and moreover will plunge into dark thoughts and affairs, he can easily aim at himself the whole zoo of these beasties... For instance, these little animals often love to drive a man to suicide by sending him such thoughts, while a man naively thinks that these thoughts are his thoughts and is often foolishly guided by them...

The animals are not dangerous for the man, if he sees them and takes different actions against them - for that purpose the animals try to camouflage themselves. They are also easy to train if they are energised a little.

It is dangerous to beasties when one is separated from the body or is trying to do so, for example in meditation - at these moments it is easier for the beasties to overcome the protective field of the person. This is why meditation is practised by various sects seeking to take control of their adherents in order to get them to feed on some dark astral entity in meditation, which is then presented to the adherents under the good name of supposedly spiritual development.
"According to the SA Scientific Journal, a team of scientists from the University of Cape Town has made a sensational discovery. It has been confirmed that our consciousness is controlled by astral entities!"
Сенсация!!! Нашим сознанием управляют астральные сущности!!!
Сенсация!!! Нашим сознанием управляют астральные сущности!!!
  • 2016.07.18
Сенсация!!! Нашим сознанием управляют астральные сущности!!! Как сообщает журнал «SA Scientific Journal», группа ученых из Университета Кейптауна сделала сенсационное открытие. Были получены подтверждения того, что нашим сознанием управляют астральные сущности! Значение этого открытия настолько велико, что все исследования связанные с...
"According to the SA Scientific Journal, a team of scientists from the University of Cape Town has made a sensational discovery. Confirmation has been obtained that our minds are controlled by astral entities!"

Take your fakery away and don't embarrass yourself like that again.

Some time ago an article appeared on the Russian-language internet entitled "Do the Astralists Control Our Consciousness?". The publication quickly spread to various resources, and it is not possible to find the original. The material describes the "maflokah" (variant name for astral lurves) and how scientists have managed to document the presence of alien entities in the human aura and explore the mechanism of penetration

It is written "beautifully and scientifically", there are colourful illustrations, but how true is this information? A little checking has shown that the "authorities" used in the article to enhance plausibility do not actually exist.

The article begins with words:

According to theSA ScientificJournal, a team of scientists from the University of Cape Town has made a sensational discovery...

TheSA Scientific Journal does not exist. There isthe South African Journal of Science, but it is not the same thing.

It goes on to mention:

A scientific team at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, comprising renowned scientists with years of experience in paranormal research, including fixation techniques, aura, led byNgunga Tobago, PhD, known in the scientific world for his research, has revolutionised the understanding of the significance of these fields in human life.
Their research methods and the device they invented (U.S. Patent No. US 5,253,984 B1) not only made it possible to record the dynamics of aura in biological objects, but also, through their experiments, made a discovery that is unlikely to go unnoticed by the world community

1 The renowned scientist DrNgunga Tobago also does not exist. At least, there is no mention of the author or Ngunga on the website of a South African scientific journal.

2. On the other hand, US Patent No. 5,253,984 exists, only under this number a device for spraying liquid on an object at a distance is patented - you can see it on the officialUSPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database. Here is the link to the description of the PatentNo5 253 984(19 Oct 1993).

It turns out that the article is bogus, and its purpose was to discredit certain individuals and their policy decisions. For example, it is pointed out that almost all the big businessmen gathered in Johannesburg in 2002 for a summit on sustainable development were infected with "black astral", and the infection rate is the same as in the prison population! The article goes on to point out that this pattern is common to most politicians and business representatives and ends with the suggestion that the presence of "black lurks" or "mafloks" helps explain the inappropriate behaviour of some politicians and businessmen. In particular, "the actions of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair in their desire to destroy Iraq at any cost are questionable." It is with these words that this "scientific sensation" ends.

The analogue of the article or the reference to "maflok" (maphlok, maflock, maphlock) could not be found on the English-language internet either. Given this, and the political background to it, it is reasonable to assume that the aim of the authors was to plant disinformation in order to discredit western policy makers. Of course, this statement does not mean that Western (as well as domestic) politicians are free of astral lurks, but the spread of such falsifications (and their possible exposure) hinders real research in this area.


Take your fake and don't embarrass yourself like that again.

You're getting a bit aggressive again, don't relax and try to get to the bottom of it or you'll get eaten by beasts like before...

Even if all the names are made up, it doesn't mean that the article is wrong in essence. It seems clear to the hedgehog, but when a person is ruled by brutes, the adequacy of thinking suffers greatly.


Take your fake and don't embarrass yourself like that again.

What's wrong with you?! You can't see the animals, you can't see the spotlight, you don't believe in fakes!


You're getting a bit aggressive again, don't relax and try to get to the bottom of it or you'll get eaten by beasts like before.

Even if all the names are made up, it does not mean that the article is wrong in essence. It seems clear to the hedgehog, but when a person is ruled by brutes, the adequacy of thinking suffers greatly.

>>the article is written by a non-existent author, but generally correct.

>>article written by a non-existent author, but generally correct
you live and learn, you die a fool - ts.)

Вроде понятно и ежу, но когда человек под властью зверьковадекватность мышления сильно страдает.

... and you can't argue with that.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Oh, Andrei, you are always interesting to talk to.

When someone says that he has God inside him... even metaphorically, which is the same concept as hiberbolically. You have to understand, he is exaggerating a lot.

p. s.

There is no provocation, don't make a cult out of me and make a villain out of me.

I'm kind, I like dogs and cats, I feed pigeons.

I believe you are not a lost cause but loving pigeons and other animals is not enough to be human, it's too easy.

Don't ask me if I love people, more likely not than not, but at least I try, unlike you.

Guys, let's live together!