Interesting and Humour - page 3486


You're not talking about anything.

I am talking about the article you published.

I read, and I quote -"MOSCOW, 20 December - RIA Novosti. The Electoral College has confirmed Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election. The Republican had an even bigger advantage over Democrat Hillary Clinton than expected. Trump won the general election, which was held on 8 November....."

Answer -Clinton won the General Election - 3 million more voters voted for her than Trump.

And the VOTERS voted for Trump.

like the eighth electors were elected who voted for Trump yesterday, no?
Had the electoral scheme been different, the percentage of people would have been different too. So I think if it was a general election, tramp would have won too.

Well, I doubt Trump would have won.

Although history knows no subjunctive mood.

Well, I doubt Trump would have won.

The team was guided by the number of electors. If the result was determined by popular vote, the team would be guided directly by the voters.
"Забытые" вклады предложили отдать на благотворительность
"Забытые" вклады предложили отдать на благотворительность
  • 2016.12.19
Госдуме предложили принять закон, по которому "забытые" вклады должны быть переданы региональным властям с условием потратить их на поддержку благотворительных организаций. Когда по счету, открытому до востребования, операции не совершались более 10 лет, банк должен в течение года попробовать разыскать вкладчика или его правопреемников, а если...
В CERN получили первый оптический спектр антиводорода
В CERN получили первый оптический спектр антиводорода
  • 2016.12.20
  • Владимир Королев
Физики международной коллаборации ALPHA впервые изучили оптический спектр антиводорода и измерили энергию перехода позитрона из основного в первое возбужденное состояние (1S–2S). С точностью в две части на десять миллиардов она совпала со значением, измеренным для обычного атома водорода. Это новое подтверждение того, что одна из...
Nature’s 10
Nature’s 10
  • 2016.12.19
A physicist helped to catch the first direct signs of long-sought gravitational waves. By Davide Castelvecchi A year ago, Gabriela Gonzalez was struggling to contain the biggest secret of her life. Two giant detectors in the United States had picked up signs of gravitational waves — wrinkles in space-time imagined by Albert Einstein but never...
The team was guided by the number of electors. If the result was determined by a general vote, the team would be guided directly by the electorate.
Exactly what Trump himself said. If he wanted a quantitative edge, he wouldn't be running around in a bunch of small states, he'd be focusing on a few big ones.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Because it was real democracy.

Anyone could come to the Scientific Council, and, moreover, anyone could speak not only in the debates, but also suggest their own topic for the Scientific Council. And this was welcomed. And if it was on the point, one could speak many times. True, the word was taken away for life for such rubbish; the rhetoricians and demagogs were strangled at every turn. Flooding and trolling was impossible.

And here the wife's interests were affected in the complaint. No one would think of restricting it.

That is if it is a specific case from my life.

And if in general, there was a whole host of different instruments and methods in the USSR that ensured the real, not just rally rights of the citizens. The essence of socialism is the collective over the individual. Therefore, an individual could fight for their rights in organizations of all kinds, which were countless, ranging from house-to-house meetings, SHCs ... to the central government and party organs. Today, when you relate to the masses, you begin to understand the meaning of true democracy for everybody, not just for the elite. Back then, sometimes you were sick of all the collectivism - you were always looking over your shoulder: what if someone criticized you, wrote a complaint... and you'd have to take a shit.

The Soviet Union is a lifeless fade...... and there was no socialism under the Soviet Union......

Server Muradasilov:
I can't figure out if antimatter is a real physical particle or if it's just an "effect" in the model that doesn't really exist?