Interesting and Humour - page 3487

I can't understand: is antimatter a real physical particle or is it just an "effect" in the model that doesn't really exist?


The USSR is a lifeless fadeaway ...... and there was no socialism under the USSR......

With the idea of social justice as its foundation, the Soviet project turned the world upside down: there was nothing like it before and there is nothing like it now. The 20th century is the century of socialism. And the "fog" rolled over united Europe and by 1975, there was no equal to the socialist camp led by us.

And since I understand the enormity of the project, I am extremely proud to be part of it.

Unfortunately, at the end of the project people came to power with a stomach instead of a brain and a soul, with an outlook no bigger than their own pocket, and socialism does not fit in their pocket.


Zuckerberg's artificial intelligence shot him a fresh T-shirt.

Искусственный интеллект Цукерберга выстрелил в него свежей футболкой
Искусственный интеллект Цукерберга выстрелил в него свежей футболкой
  • 2016.12.20
Основатель и глава Facebook Марк Цукерберг опубликовал у себя в профиле ролик, в котором продемонстрировал работу домашнего искусственного интеллекта. Помощник, получивший имя Джарвис в честь серии фильмов «Железный человек», разбудил Цукерберга, поговорил с его малолетней дочерью по-китайски и выстрелил в него свежей футболкой. Он также...
Free number to talk to Ded Moroz (answering machine, speaks text with pauses, giving the child a chance to respond)

Moscow +7(499)7046008 +7(499)7057493
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Chelyabinsk +7(351)2778432
Khabarovsk +7(914)5586586
СанСаныч Фоменко:

With the idea of social justice at its core, the Soviet project turned the world upside down: there was nothing like it before and there is nothing like it now. The 20th century is the century of socialism. And the "fog" rolled over united Europe and by 1975, there was no equal to the socialist camp led by us.

And since I understand the enormity of the project, I am extremely proud to be part of it.

Unfortunately at the end of the project people came to power with a stomach instead of a brain and a soul, with an outlook no bigger than their pocket, and socialism does not fit in their pocket.

Socialist utopians arise in history with regular regularity. They arise as socialists and go down in history as utopians.

Doesn't your conscience torment you from taking part in such a project? A project of great obfuscation.


СанСаныч Фоменко:

The years go by...

1993 - freed from hypocrisy

A flash drive from Heineken

All right. Everyone get in the terminal and dump the Eurobucks.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Socialist utopians appear in history with regular frequency. They emerged as socialists and went down in history as utopians.

Doesn't one's conscience ache from participating in such a project? A project of great deceit.

The Bolsheviks took good ideas as a flag and did exactly the opposite and drove the people into the kolkhoz-communal stall

It looks especially cynical with the slogans: land to the peasants and factories to the workers - but in reality cynical exploitation for workdays.

dekulakization - a separate story of lawlessness under the state

and life on ration cards - such are the achievements of communism.

Graduated from the university? - get an assignment and go to the Urals.

another cynical invention - voluntary and compulsory withholding of part of one's salary in exchange for bonds

the repayment in 20 years and the terms were shifted and the predatory conversion of the interest - isn't it genius?

The 47 monetary reform was an epic story in terms of fraud: money exchange at 10 to 1 and in the shortest possible time

now it is easy to be nostalgic about the ussR with tea and wi-fi, while the iRl it was all hardcore

no one is disputing that the ussR was a strong state, but it was certainly not socially responsible

Russia's previous history has also seen plenty of episodes of trickery and lawlessness from the state.

The 90s fit logically into the historical fabric