Interesting and Humour - page 3484



Москвичка требует миллион рублей от Депардье за "изнасилование мозга"
Москвичка требует миллион рублей от Депардье за "изнасилование мозга"
  • 2016.12.19
  • Гайдар Батырханов
Певица и ведущая Милена Дейнега обратилась в Тверской суд Москвы с гражданским иском к французскому актёру Жерару Депардье. Истица требует взыскать с Депардье один миллион рублей. Дейнега считает, что он причинил ей моральный вред, обвинив российскую бухгалтершу в краже. По словам Дейнега, она хорошо знает Елену Лазареву, от которой Депардье...
Сильвестр Сталлоне отказался от поста в администрации Трампа
  • 2016.12.19
Москва. 19 декабря. INTERFAX.RU - Голливудский актер Сильвестр Сталлоне был польщен получить предложение от избранного президента США Дональда Трампа войти в его администрацию, но он полагает, что принесет больше пользы, сосредоточившись на работе, связанной с помощью ветеранам. Как сообщает The Variety со ссылкой на пресс-секретаря Сталлоне...
Корейцы создали гигантского человекоподобного робота (видео)
Корейцы создали гигантского человекоподобного робота (видео)
  • 2016.12.19
  • Михаил Котов
В Южной Корее был создан промышленный шагающий человекоподобный робот, управляющийся оператором изнутри. Прототип создала корейская компания Korea Future Technology, а над дизайном шагающей машины потрудился 3D-художник Виталий Булгаров. Ролик с поражающим воображение роботом можно увидеть в Youtube на официальном канале компании. Пока...
Samsung принудительно заблокирует все Galaxy Note 7 в России
Samsung принудительно заблокирует все Galaxy Note 7 в России
  • 2016.12.19
  • Владимир Лещёв
Согласно распространённой среди пользователей информации, обновление, запланированное на 23 декабря 2016 года, "понизит уровень зарядки аккумулятора до 0%". Таким образом производитель намерен обезопасить владельцев Galaxy Note 7 от возможного возгорания устройства. До 30 декабря...
Server Muradasilov:
In the second and third photos, the creatures resemble the aliens from the film Alien.
Alexandr Saprykin:
In the second and third photos, the creatures look like aliens from the film Alien.

Caught in the Barents Sea

Бывший мусорщик подарил библиотеке сотни старинных книг
Бывший мусорщик подарил библиотеке сотни старинных книг
  • 2016.12.19
В Китае бывший мусорщик Чэнь Гуанвэй подарил библиотеке сотни старинных книг, сообщает Коллекция 69-летнего жителя провинции Сычуань состоит примерно из 50 тыс. изданий. Его частная библиотека предлагает всем желающим читать или брать книги на время бесплатно. Теперь он передал почти 1,2 тыс. редких старинных экземпляров одной из...

Lie down and fall asleep. Lie down to read a book - asleep. Lie down to watch a film - asleep. Going to sleep, energy pounding like it's coming from a nuclear plant.


# How do you let a cat outside? #

1. You open the door.

2. Patiently wait for the cat to come to the door.

3. you kick the cat, because the parasite is standing on the doorstep again and thinking.


Accidentally deleting the XXX folder on his grandson's computer, the grandfather had no idea he'd destroyed the Germans a second time.


A boy comes home. Stoned out of his mind. Thinks: "How not to get caught by his parents, I'll go into the hall." Opens the door. Father's sitting there. The boy closes the door and goes into the kitchen. Just opens the door and there's his father sitting there. In a panic, he slams the door and decides to go to his bedroom. In the bedroom, so does his father.

- Son, if you open the bathroom door one more time, I'll kick your ears off!


Once again, it was a joy to see how inventive the Russian people are. So. Somewhere in the endless forests of Finland, there is a small forest road. Remarkably, there is a manhole in the middle of the road. An ordinary manhole. I do not know who built it and why, but it is the main subject of my story. So, a Russian fellow was driving on this road in his car. I do not know what was going on in his brain, but he did the following: he opened this manhole and drove into it on purpose. Naturally, one of the wheels of the car broke off. The owner of the car sued the Finnish Road Administration for material and moral damages, and after a while he got some money. When he returned home, he told his friend about the forest road, and the friend decided to get rich off the Finnish taxpayer's dime too. Which happened after a while. Soon all the family, relatives and friends of the aforementioned driver and his friend knew about the manhole on the forest road. The Finnish Road Administration, having paid the Russians a large sum of money, decided to take extreme measures: to weld the damn hatch to the ground. About a month later, the management of the service received a summons from the court: a Russian motorist drove into an open manhole on a forest road and damaged his car. It turned out that this unfortunate Russian, seeing the welded manhole, had gone home to get a gas burner, cut off the manhole cover and drove into it. The road service, exhausted by litigation, arranged with the local traffic police to provide a sentry to guard the ill-fated manhole. A booth was built next to the manhole, and electricity, sewerage and internet were installed for the convenience of the guard. There were no accidents for about half a year. Once, about five hundred meters away from the guard's post, two Russian cars collided with each other. The accident was not serious, but the guard had to take note of it. After spending about 10 minutes around these two cars, the Finn returned to his place and was taken aback: the hatch was open and a Russian nine car was standing right next to it with one of its wheels in the hatch...


Guy's teaching a girl:

Okay, now you take the flash drive and put it in the camera until it clicks...



A case of vodka attacked two men on Friday and took their wages.


Only by giving birth can a woman even approximate the agony of a man with a fever of 37.2!
