Interesting and Humour - page 3482


You shouted that the population was growing in the 30s - tell me what the punchline is?

Or don't you want to know?

Talked to a historian yesterday - he explained and I laughed a long time.....
At least there's some use for CIA clowns.
СанСаныч Фоменко:
At least we're getting some use out of the CIA clowns.

Shall I tell you or not?

P.S. I'm Ml6.


Shall I tell you or not?

P.S. I'm Ml6.

A double agent?

That's a lot of money.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

A double agent?

That's a lot of money.

Nah, they don't pay much. Mostly biscuits.

You want me to tell you or not?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Of course, it was different ... The first decree on the subject was issued in 1918.

I was in that mess myself.

I worked at a research institute and one of the most scientific employees wrote a letter to Brezhnev, saying that science in our research institute was going the wrong way.

This letter went down to the worst organization of the USSR - the Committee of National Control and from there below...

Eventually the letter was returned to our Research Institute. And here we all understood that it questioned all the topic leaders in the plan, 300 people. Everyone began to write justification that we were going the right way, on the quiet revision of the plan. In general, the headache only that for a few months.

But it was at the research institute. And so people were deprived of their posts, and about AC was reminded. It was impossible not to answer.

The huge machine was replaced with "You have the right to appeal to the court".

I don't know where and when it happened. The letter was forwarded from the top down with a demand to sort it out and report back. Naturally, no one was interested in the report... And how it was sorted out is anyone's guess.

This is how we ended up with this letter:

The company was lined up, a soldier was brought out, the sergeant announced - "these are our people"... and read the letter out loud.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I don't know where or when this has happened. The letter was forwarded from the top down with a demand to sort it out and report back. Naturally, no one was interested in the report... And how it was sorted out is anyone's guess.

This is how we ended up with this letter:

They lined up the company, took the soldier out, the sergeant announced - "these are our people"... and read the letter out loud.

There was a mechanism, today it's gone. So there is nothing to discuss.


There is another case of the same writer.

Before writing a cartoon against the entire research institute, she wrote a cartoon against her department head.

The point is the same. The department's scientist shits instead of profits. Besides, the head of the department is a bad manager: he spilled ink on the curtain and threw it in the corner. Apart from that low morale - he sleeps with his secretary.

All this is spinning.

Nobody could say anything about science - they wrote everything perfectly well.

With the curtain was true.

The committee was unable to deal with the secretary, and so they wrote - it is not known.

The scientific council met and heard everything. When they got to the secretary, everyone started laughing. Everybody except the chief. His wife was sitting in the hall and for her, "unknown" means fact.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Shall I tell you or not?

The most powerful in history: 35 years ago the TU-160 White Swan made its maiden flight

СанСаныч Фоменко:

There was a mechanism, today there isn't. So there is nothing to discuss.

How is there nothing to discuss? Here I have told you how it was, this mechanism. Don't you understand?