Interesting and Humour - page 2981

They're tightening the nuts, for crying out loud.)
Or maybe it's just that they've gone rogue again.

creative entertainment


An inscription on a TU-22 missile carrier that, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, left its home base, the Machulischy airfield in Belarus, due to the disbandment of the 121st Independent Red Banner Guards Heavy Aviation Regiment in Sevastopol. Engels. RF. 1994.

Alexander Voronkov:

An inscription on a TU-22 missile carrier that, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, left its home base, the Machulischy airfield in Belarus, due to the disbandment of the 121st Independent Red Banner Guards Heavy Aviation Regiment in Sevastopol. Engels. RF. 1994.

The regiment is of Sevastopol, but based in Belarus. How so?
When a client asked me to fix something in the layout

"Hung the deer bait high up so the raccoons couldn't get at it."

the bell doesn't work tease the dog

I saw a sophisticated bus stop like this today, a real gem for teenagers :) There's sockets under the rubber caps and a camera in the ceiling.

Alexander Voronkov:

An inscription on a TU-22 missile carrier that, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, left its home base, the Machulischy airfield in Belarus, due to the disbandment of the 121st Independent Red Banner Guards Heavy Aviation Regiment in Sevastopol. Engels. RF. 1994.

Oppa, I served there, in Machulishchi, back in the Soviet Union. Only it wasn't Tu-22s, it was Tu-22m, they had DSA EMs there. DSA (Long Range Strategic Aircraft).