Interesting and Humour - page 2986


Does anyone understand this nonsense about the usefulness of the falling rouble for the Russian economy (some kind of competitiveness of goods)? Explain, please. What is the benefit? It turns out that it makes no sense for the average citizen to save and people are forced to work non-stop, that's all the benefit. What else is there? Why doesn't the American government see the benefit of lowering the dollar?

Then there's a horror story about abolishing money with an example of prison rations and the culminating clip of Vasi Lozhkin.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Does anyone understand this nonsense about the usefulness of the falling rouble for the Russian economy (some kind of competitiveness of goods)? Explain, please. What is the benefit? It turns out that for the average citizen it becomes pointless to save and people are forced to work non-stop, that's all the benefit. What else is there? Why doesn't the American government see the benefit of lowering the dollar?

Then there's a horror story about abolishing money with an example of prison rations and the culminating clip of Vasi Lozhkin.Валютные_войны

It's not revealing here either. Is it cool to sell out cheap?

That's a weird article. The theory is about the decline of one's own currency but the example from history is about a single case of another country's decline.

I have one conclusion - their own government turns their own people into a nearly freeloading slave labor for food. Of course, if it's Japan or China, I agree - let them work, provide the world (and me included) with cheap goods. But what is the government's attitude to its population if it does that to them?


Before, you were making $0.50 a pop, and now you are making $1.00 a pop. Your profits go up, taxes on your profits to the Russian budget go up, everyone rejoices, women dance, there are round dances everywhere, missiles go off, the Iskanders laugh, the Pindos die of envy.

In short, a blessing in disguise.

Well, I wrote in theory.
Well, I wrote in theory.
I'm not arguing, just speculating.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
If you are not dependent on imports. We have everything in our country and we do not need anything, then yes. But not so far.

The second aspect is that the country pumps oil and gas for dollars and euros abroad.

The revenues come in foreign currency.

If the rouble exchange rate is 32 roubles to the dollar, this is, let's say, 1,000,000,000 roubles.

If the exchange rate is 64, it is 2,000,000,000 roubles.

With the same pumping volumes and prices on the world market.

And at the same time some pests are demanding that oil and gas be sold for exports in rubles.....
And at the same time, some pests are demanding that oil and gas be sold for exports in roubles.....
They will still recalculate it at the dollar rate.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
They will still recalculate it at the dollar exchange rate.

So if you sell for roubles, but you are constantly recalculating the price at the dollar rate, you are in effect selling for dollars, but you are getting a less liquid currency.