Interesting and Humour - page 2965


Mystery solved.

Igor Konyashin:

Mystery solved.

Glued, you bastards......
Or pecked...
Саудовская Аравия пригрозила распродать американские активы на $750 млрд
Саудовская Аравия пригрозила распродать американские активы на $750 млрд
  • 2016.04.16
  • Alexandr Saprykin
Эр-Рияд предупредил администрацию президента США Барака Обамы и членов Конгресса, что пойдет на распродажу принадлежащих королевству американских активов на сумму около $750 млрд во избежание их...

Even got a little bit of respect.....

US vendor Microsoft has taken the US government to court to defend its own right to notify its users that their mail is being checked by the authorities.

The lawsuit says the US authorities are violating the state constitution. According to the corporation's version, the government has forbidden to notify users of email services that their personal correspondence is of interest to intelligence services. Consequently, these actions violate the 1st and 4th amendments of the constitution.

In the past ten months, Microsoft has received 5,624 requests for access to people's personal data, in more than half of which the vendor was prohibited from notifying users about surveillance, according to official data from Microsoft.

In 2014, the US tech giant won permission in court to disclose the number of government requests for personal data from the public. Now, Microsoft wants the right to notify companies and users that the government is looking into them.

Igor Volodin:
Here comes the transport of the future from the cartoons))