Interesting and Humour - page 2966

One day the famous Greek philosopher Socrates met an acquaintance in the street and he said to him:
- Socrates, do you know what I just heard about one of your students?
- Wait, before you tell me that, I want to do a little
an exam called the "Triple Filter Test."
- The triple filter?
- Yes," Socrates continued. - Before you tell me anything about
my apprentice, it might be a good idea for you to take a moment and
and filter what you're going to tell me. The first filter is for...
Truthfulness. Are you absolutely certain that what you're about to tell me
is the absolute truth?
- No, Socrates, I heard about it from an acquaintance and I decided.
- So," said Socrates, "you don't know for sure if it's true or not.
Then let's apply the second filter - for Virtue. What you
you're going to tell me about my pupil is anything good?
- No, just the opposite...
- So,' says Socrates, 'you want to tell me something about him
bad things about him, but you're not sure if it's true. However, you can still
pass the test and tell me this information if it passes
through the third filter-- Usefulness. Will what you're about to tell me
what you're about to tell me, would it do me any good?
- Probably not...
- So," Socrates concluded, "if you're going to
tell me something negative, untrue and useless about
my pupil, then why tell it at all?


In Denmark, banks pay interest to mortgage borrowers. Negative rates have turned the situation upside down.

Danish Hans-Peter Christensen, instead of paying interest on a mortgage loan he took out 11 years ago, received DKK 249 ($38) from the bank himself in the last quarter. The fact is that at the end of 2015, the interest rate on his loan, excluding fees, was -0.0562%. "My parents said I should frame this receipt to prove to future generations that this really happened," Christensen says.

В Дании банки платят проценты ипотечным заемщикам
В Дании банки платят проценты ипотечным заемщикам
  • 2016.04.15
Отрицательные ставки перевернули ситуацию с ног на голову
Igor Konyashin:

In Denmark, banks pay interest to mortgage borrowers. Negative rates have turned the situation upside down.

Danish Hans-Peter Christensen, instead of paying interest on a mortgage loan he took out 11 years ago, received DKK 249 ($38) from the bank himself in the last quarter. The fact is that at the end of 2015,the interest rate on his loan, excluding fees, was -0.0562%. "My parents said I should frame this receipt to prove to future generations that this really happened," Christensen says.

How wonderful, maybe it will come to us someday in the bright future))

when I look at you, num comes to me


Good morning
You can't hide the grace of the soul behind an aggressive exterior (not my photo - I'm all over the place).


Guys! Help me guess the word.

Many email programs do that with files before sending them in order to make transmission easy and fast.

E_C_ _E

encode ?
encode ?