Interesting and Humour - page 2937

I think someone's going to the baths to take a steam
Новый зловред требует выкуп в биткоинах
Новый зловред требует выкуп в биткоинах
«Лаборатория Касперского» предупредила о новом вирусе, почти четверть жертв которого находится в России. Версия шифровальщика CTB-Locker нацелена исключительно на веб-серверы, сообщает «Лаборатория Касперского». Выкуп, который требует «троянец» от пользователя, составляет менее половины биткоина, но в случае нарушения сроков выплаты эта сумма...

A girl was in a hurry to go on a date

In high-heeled shoes,

♪ And in the crowd she accidentally snagged ♪

"She happened to catch an old man in the crowd.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry!"

He looked up with tired eyes

"Darling, what's your hurry?"

"They're waiting for me, you can't be late."

"It's good to be expected somewhere,

"and you're welcomed with joy on your face.

And my love has found a home

Where I can take my time."

The girl looked at the bouquet,

And in her eyes there was a look of regret...

He continued: "For seven years now

I've been giving her daisies on her birthday.

"She was especially fond of them,

"She wove them in her hair and in a wreath.

"Even on the day I met her, I remember she wore

She wore a dress in such a flower.

We'd been married for years,

But the magic fervor of love never waned.

From the first date we met to the last,

"I've worshipped her all my life."

"I smiled and clutched the bouquet tighter,

And went quietly to the bus stop...

And she looked after him,

"As if she was going down without a safety net...

... He's waiting at a table in a cafe,

# Angry because it's only a night out... #

Ticked off the box

Between training and an important meeting.

Yeah, he wasn't hiding it in the first place,

Who he is, what kind of car he "drives".

He called her a taxi after meetings,

And she hoped she was in love...

She smirked and dropped the call,

# She erased the number to obscurity #

♪ she knew all that he could answer ♪

♪ but she's not interested anymore ♪

♪ she needs someone who understands ♪

♪ And love and cherish the feeling ♪

She needs a home waiting for her...

And a bouquet of daisies... from the heart.


Server Muradasilov:
Bullshit. I had a co-worker once, she got into something. Took her half an hour and she was fine. It's all for suckers. But that's understandable.