Interesting and Humour - page 2852

Alexey Busygin:
Yeah! In this frost, even cockroaches wear fur coats.
Where did you see that frost? It's +3 outside and the asphalt is dry. Not a trace of snow left :( .
Alexander Antoshkin:
I can't question your scientific credibility, but what about the hoofed goats, becausea deer, a moose, a Zubr, a bighoofedset isnot right for Grandpa Frost to have
And what do you want him to do, to walk on his own, with a bag of 200 kg. You don't respect the grandfather
Karputov Vladimir:
Where did you see that frost? It's +3 outside and the asphalt is dry. Not a trace of snow left :( .

No! I still don't believe it's the horseman of the apocalypse.

steam from my nostrils

Alexey Busygin:

No! I still can't believe it's the horseman of the apocalypse.

steam from his nostrils

let's go back to the calculator ,,,,,,,,,, but eh mate we agreed to prove otherwise!!!!!!
Alexander Antoshkin:
let's go back to the calculator ,,,,,,,,,, but eh mate we agreed to prove otherwise!!!!!!
Who's in third grade being taught the laws of eternity? Me! Genius!
Alexey Busygin:
Who is taught the laws of eternity in the third grade? Me! Genius!

I found your mistake, to prove it you have to count like this

The target groups of the public believe they are waiting for Father Christmas, when in fact they are waiting not for him, but for the Snow Maiden.

In this case, the PR strategy is built on the deepest human predilections.

It is a well-known phenomenon - youth wins! That's the secret of his popularity, every year he comes to wish Happy New Year together with the snow maiden and they are always different).

Alexander Antoshkin:

The target groups of the public believe that they are waiting for Father Christmas, when in fact they are waiting not for him, but for the Snow Maiden.

"If at some point you start to feel that you want a gift not from Father Christmas, but from the Snow Maiden,

"then you're on the right track... you're the right kid."Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher.


Oh, you spoiled people! You want a snow maiden, a fridge to help you.

Alexey Busygin:

They want a snow maiden,

Hmm. Well, yeah!


More from the history of the relationship with mathematics. Just here someone recently wanted a mathematical expression for infinity