Interesting and Humour - page 3918


Don't make people laugh by showing your complete incompetence. Gorbachev did not stop the arms race...

Don't make people laugh with your stupidity. Stopped, everyone was friends, went to each other's houses... The USA was not at all what it was made out to be.

Lazar Buga:
Do you have any Aivazovsky paintings?
Better than Repin! Burlaki on the Volga

But I want Aivazovsky too!

This is ridiculous: it turns out there were other countries inside the USSR. I wonder if you even had a completed secondary education.

Of course there were, don't be stupid. According to the Constitution, the USSR is a union of states. Of course, it was a formal union, but it was written in the Constitution.

For example, the Ukrainian SSR always had its own Ministry of Foreign Affairs. И был свой министр иностранных дел.

Свои министерства были у РСФСР - МИД, например.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Didn't you know? The USSR was made up of 15 republics, once sovereign and independent states.

Do you not see the difference between a country and a union republic?
Do you not see the difference between a country and a republic?

The Republic of Belarus is not a country?

Do you not see the difference between a country and a union republic?

Whatever you call it, the people there will be the same and the same, with their own distinctive national characteristics.

Ask yourself what a country is and what a republic is.


The feast of kings. Pavel Filonov.


Of course they were, don't be stupid. Under the USSR constitution, it was a union of states. Of course, it was formal, but it was written in the Constitution

For example, the Ukrainian SSR always had its own Ministry of Foreign Affairs. И был свой министр иностранных дел.

Свои министерства были у РСФСР - МИД, например.
It turns out that you do not even know how the USSR is deciphered. Decipher it and you will understand that it is not states.))

The Republic of Belarus is not a country?

It is now, but in Soviet times it was a union republic.
It turns out you don't even know how the USSR is deciphered. Decipher it and you'll realise it's not states.))

A country cannot be called a Republic? The Republic of Korea is no longer a country?

You are already blatantly obtuse.