Interesting and Humour - page 2817

On the subject of science... let's drop the ridiculous invective against prostitutes and pimps. I keep thinking about something else. What is science? In fact science is meant to study nature and life in order to 'predict' the future, extrapolate so to speak... At this stage of development, telecommunication, IT technology, computers, gadgets, etc. are increasingly taking over, universities are studying programming languages, etc., that is essentially artificially created things that are not natural phenomena. Therefore, I do not see science in modern universities, there are some disciplines related directly or indirectly to Mother Nature, but the knowledge on them is given very superficially. Children study what is artificially created by man, i.e. there is progress, but there is no science...
Eugeniy Lugovoy:
On the subject of science... let's skip the ridiculous attacks on prostitutes and pimps. I keep thinking about something else. What is science? In fact, science is meant to study nature and life in order to 'predict' the future, extrapolate so to speak... At this stage of development, telecommunication, IT technology, computers, gadgets, etc. are increasingly taking over, universities are studying programming languages, etc., that is essentially artificially created things that are not natural phenomena. Therefore, I do not see science in modern universities, there are some disciplines related directly or indirectly to Mother Nature, but the knowledge on them is given very superficially. Children study something which has been artificially created by man, i.e. there is progress but no science...

How can there be no "science" when the "scientists" in the U.S. have decided and ruled and "predicted" and published in a "scientific" publication that alcoholism is "beneficial" to health? It's "science" all around, with a clever face on it wherever you spit.

I will not be surprised if tomorrow or today a drug lord comes to the Academy of Sciences in order to patronize it and then the results of "scientific" studies on the "usefulness" of drugs, for example, for the health of the younger generation will appear.

Yury Reshetov:

How is it that there is no "science" when the pindusian "scientists" have decided and "predicted" and published in a "scientific" publication that alcoholism turns out to be "beneficial" to health? It's "science" all around, with a smart-ass face on every corner.

Traditionally in Russia, vodka was 27 degrees, there was still half-gar ~38, but the bureaucrats rounded up the standard to 40 to make it easier to count taxes (hell, even then some C in the bureaucrats got out). So, in fact, the bureaucrats got Rus' drunk. And the standard of 40 came from England somewhere, if I'm not mistaken... So it's always the west against Russia...

Yury Reshetov:

How can there be no "science" when the "scientists" in the U.S. have decided and ruled and "predicted" and published in a "scientific" publication that alcoholism is "beneficial" to health? All around "science", with a clever face on it, wherever you look.

I wouldn't be surprised if today or tomorrow some drug lord comes to an institution of the academy of "sciences" for patronage and then the results of "scientific" research on the "usefulness" of drugs, for example, for the health of the younger generation will appear.

It's a bygone era when Coca-Cola was actually made from coca leaves... That's why it became so popular :) medics have been researching its positive effects on various nervous disorders...

Eugeniy Lugovoy:

Well, it's a bygone era when Coca-Cola was actually made from coca leaves... That's why it's so popular :) medics have researched its positive effects on various nervous disorders...

Everything new is well forgotten old.
Eugeniy Lugovoy:

Traditionally in Russia, vodka was 27 degrees, there was still half-gar ~38, but the bureaucrats rounded up the standard to 40 to make it easier to count taxes (hell, even then some C in the bureaucrats got out). So, in fact, the bureaucrats got Rus' drunk. And the standard of 40 came from England somewhere, if I'm not mistaken... so it's always the west against Russia...

40 degree vodka is not a Western invention, but unfortunately, is it a Russian invention? Again, a representative of academic "science" by the name of Mendeleev "scientifically" proved that vodka should have 40 degrees. Since then, for every foreigner, Russian and alcoholic have been synonymous.
Eugeniy Lugovoy:

Well, it's a bygone era when Coca-Cola was actually made from coca leaves... that's why it's so popular :) medics have researched its positive effects on various nervous disorders in institutes...

Yeah, right. If "medics" studied it, surely it's "positive"?

But instead of stupidly believing all the "scientific" nonsense, you can also do your own research at home, for example, on pH. Except that "science" will not believe home studies, because they are "pseudoscientific", since personal housing is not part of the academy of "science".

It is not healthy to live. If you live, you are bound to die.
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