Interesting and Humour - page 2811

Vadim Zotov:
Such a patch in the road will last a little longer. I've seen hot asphalt poured right into a puddle in the rain a few times.
If tanks drive over it, they won't last much longer. As for rain and asphalt, someone has a lot of money and doesn't even know where to bury it.

"55-year-old woman, mother of three programmers, asks for someone not psychotic to teach her the internet."
thinking about a flat world<br / translate="no">
That was sarcasm, in case you didn't understand.
An illustration is nothing more than a statement by the author about how he sees the phenomenon he is trying to illustrate, and how he suggests others see it. The same is true of an explanation. "Thought uttered is a lie" ))))))))) Unless, of course, the author is a prophet, a messenger of the Almighty, who is merely relaying his words. ))))))))))
Abrams tank gun
Why do I need a gunner and commander, one of them is a mechanic? ........... I don't need your hardware, it's an excellent 82, I can kill your Abrams tank!!!!! the fucking designers didn't even equip it with a door closer, all with knobs ,,,,,,, and I'll give the commander a correction for the wind.
If tanks ride on it, they won't last. As for the rain and asphalt, someone has plenty of money and does not even know where to bury it.
Laugh at yourself :)
"55-year-old woman, mother of three programmers, asks someone not crazy to teach her the internet."
When you read the title 55-year-old woman "triple-directional programming," you expect something different. Not a train of thought and a mild insult to all programmers.
Alexander Antoshkin:
I was being sarcastic, in case you didn't understand.
An illustration is nothing more than a statement by the author about how he sees the phenomenon he is trying to illustrate, and how he suggests that other people see it. The same is true of an explanation. "Thought uttered is a lie" ))))))))) Unless, of course, the author is a prophet, a messenger of the Almighty, who is merely relaying his words. ))))))))))
The thought is quite interesting.
DialSoft (06:07:26 2/05/2013)
I was just watching a movie there...

Eugene (06:08:12 2/05/2013)
Which one?

DialSoft (06:09:03 2/05/2013)
'The Fly' is called... Tough.

Eugene (06:09:31 2/05/2013)
Never seen

Eugene (06:09:43 2/05/2013)
What's it about?

DialSoft (06:10:14 2/05/2013)
It shows that md5 hash check when transferring large files sometimes plays a fatal role...
Announcement: A 55-year-old woman, mother of three programmers, asks someone non-psychotic to teach her how to use the internet.

Yeah, I'm not surprised, I'm just surprised.)

В Волгограде 78-летняя женщина поднялась на 28-й этаж за три минуты
В Волгограде 78-летняя женщина поднялась на 28-й этаж за три минуты
  • 2015.12.06
78-летняя спортсменка Ханифа Рахимкулова продолжает ставить личные рекорды. В свои годы она регулярно принимает участие в марафонах, забегах, причем как в России, так и за рубежом. На этот раз пенсионерка решила подняться на время на 28-й этаж волгоградского бизнес-центра. Бегать по ступенькам спортсменке еще не приходилось. Поэтому Ханифа...
Server Muradasilov:

Yeah, I'm not so much surprised, I'm just freaking out.)

Man, you read my mind, just today I was wondering how it would be to get up to the 160th floor on foot when the lights go out.

And 28 ugh, when you have to take a piss, it's not like you're gonna break records. Well, because of my age, that's cool!

Как это было раньше
Как это было раньше
  • 2015.12.07
  • Server Muradasilov
Биржевое дело в России в конце XIX - начале XX вв. Деловое описание всех практиковавшихся на тогдашней бирже форм сделок, с использованием биржевого жаргона. Краткое объяснение экономического...