Interesting and Humour - page 2816

You have to be able to tell the difference a little bit.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
You have to be able to tell the difference a little.

How much is a little?

Some "scientists" sell for cheaper, others sell for more, while others have no luck yet with customers and are still not for sale, just standing on the "scientific" panel waiting?

Yury Reshetov:

How much is a little?

Some "scientists" sell for cheaper, others for more, while others have no luck with customers and are still not for sale, just standing on the "scientific" panel waiting?

Scholarship is not a piece of paper that is traded.
Alexey Busygin:
Science is not a piece of paper they sell.

You seem to be an adult, but you still believe in fairy tales about "science"?

The prices for the dissertations are quite specific (although there can be discounts) and listed publicly on the websites. Reviews from colleagues in the "scientific" are attached to them as a package.

Publish in a "scholarly" publication, too, at specific prices.

So, there is no problem with "scholarship" these days, if only for the money.

Yury Reshetov:

How much is a little?

Some "scientists" sell for cheaper, others for more, while others have no luck with customers and are still not for sale, just standing on the "scientific" panel waiting?

To the point of understanding the correct scientific methods and the correct methods of experimentation.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
To the level of understanding of proper scientific methods and proper methods of conducting experiments.

Yes, if one has paid money for "scientism", then the method is correct and very "scientific", but if one is greedy, then it is obviously "anti-science". And the correctness of the methods of experiments is the correspondence of their "results" to the customer's TOR.

What is there to be confused about?

Yury Reshetov:

Yes, if one has paid money for "scientism", then the method is correct and very "scientific", but if one is greedy, then it is obviously "anti-science". And the correctness of the methods of experiments is the correspondence of their "results" to the customer's terms of reference.

What's not to understand here?

There is nothing at all clear to you here.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
There's nothing for you to understand here at all.
What do we amateurs know? We didn't go to college.