Interesting and Humour - page 2813

Alexey Busygin:
Sea level should not, but ocean level will increase by 10%
Why would Archimedes' law be violated?

water (already ice) expands when it freezes,

and when it melts, it shrinks.


But if Antarctica starts to melt, then yes, a flood, but then again the ground on which the ice is lying must rise (although this would slightly offset the rise in water).

then the flood.

but it's only the Arctic ice we're talking about.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
why would Archimedes' law be broken?
The laws will not be broken don't worry
Alexey Busygin:
Laws will not be broken don't worry
i.e. the sea level (of the world's oceans) must rise when the Arctic ice melts?
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

But if Antarctica starts to melt, then yes, a flood, but then again the ground on which the ice is lying must rise (although this would slightly offset the rise in water).

then the flood.

But it's only about the ice in Antarctica.

It's about all the poles, the Greenland glacier melts like an unfrozen refrigerator.

And the first tulips are already growing in Antarctica.

Alexey Busygin:

And in Antarctica, the first tulips have already grown.


"The birds began to sing. And the snowdrop blossomed."


The so-called "future destroyer", very similar in appearance to a floating coffin:

Zumwalt – эсминец будущего
Zumwalt – эсминец будущего
Самый крупный из когда-либо построенных для ВМС США эсминцев Zumwalt вышел в море на первые испытания. Вот некоторые характеристики Zumwalt: Длина корпуса – 185 метров Водоизмещение – 15000 тонн Стоимость – 4,4 миллиарда долларов Об испытаниях эсминца, которые продлятся несколько месяцев, пишут многие СМИ, в частности, британская Дейли телеграф Здесь же можно увидеть и…
Alexandr Bryzgalov:


"The birds began to sing and the snowdrop blossomed."

Tits and dragonflies are singing anyway. But the question is, the whole ecological samite and greenhouse effect issue is a bunch of bullshit.
Yury Reshetov:

The so-called "future destroyer", very similar in appearance to a floating coffin:

A floating coffin indeed