Interesting and Humour - page 2676

Urban wallpaper
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I'm telling you, there's nothing to soap.)

(I told you, there's nothing to soap.) ))

ZS: Speaking of priestesses, it's in their best interest to carry contraception, not to vote )

The man just does not understand that this kind of nonsense can be produced in abundance, since there is such a demand. Entire portals of nonsense have been created to satisfy addicts with all sorts of nonsense they are happy to believe. )))

Dmitry Fedoseev:


The pictures of the syringe and bandage ads are from 20 years ago.

Or photoshop. Or just print any nonsense you want, put it on the door and take pictures and then upload it to social media to satisfy the masses.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

That's how it is. And if the competition was in Russia, they would say that even at such high level competitions there is no medical team or even a simple stretcher, another athlete had to carry an injured comrade on his back.

Well, why turn such a noble act into paranoia?

In 1964 the international Fair Play Committee was established under the auspices of UNESCO, and every year they present awards to athletes and coaches for nobility, fair play, and friendly treatment of their opponents.

Since 1992 Russian athletes and coaches have won 31 Fair Play awards.

By the way, Russia is very successful at these European Games - a clear leader. And you are talking about sad.
Pavel Gotkevitch:
Dmitry Fedoseev:

That's how it is. And if the competition were in Russia, they would say that even at such high level competitions there is no medical team or even a simple stretcher, another athlete had to carry an injured comrade on his back.

Anatoli Kazharski:

People just do not understand that they can produce plenty of such nonsense as long as there is such a demand. Entire portals of tall tales have been created to satisfy addicts with all kinds of nonsense they are happy to believe. )))

There, there. Sitting in his own country of Israel. The sense of reality is completely lost. Judging by his posts, he knows what is going on in Russia right now only from the relevant blogs and information dumpsters. At the same time, he posts links to resources banned in Russia, thus framing the local administration.

For the record, blood is collected for analysis in Russia over the last decade using special test tubes. Syringes are used for venous blood collection, but they are not disposable syringes and that's another story...


The Unusual Sculptures of the World series.


Extension, Paige Bradley, New York, USA

Vasiliy Sokolov:

There, there. And he is sitting in his own country of Israel. He has completely lost his sense of reality. Judging by his posts, he only knows what is going on in Russia now from the relevant blogs and information dumpsters. At the same time, he posts links to resources banned in Russia, thus framing the local administration.

For the record, blood is collected for analysis in Russia over the last decade using special test tubes. Syringes are used for venous blood collection, but these are not disposable syringes and that is a different story.

Reality as well as humour and noble deeds (see above) I perceive and perceive adequately - not shortsighted, not paranoid. I go to Russia often... And not just to drink beer and rant about crossbones. A couple of months ago I came back from Luhansk.

I posted the "forbidden" link once (well, I didn't realize it was "forbidden") and immediately deleted it. However, you can also knock (not the first time, perhaps?) on the "local administration", as you like to put it, or somewhere higher... or lower.

Did you serve at least once in the Russian army? Or was it just "sofa hooray patriotism"?

In general, if you have any questions or an urge to throw down the gauntlet, please do so in private (this also applies to other interested parties). Henceforth in this thread I will not respond to such a thing. I think this polemics here is not the place.

P.S. The picture with the bandages and syringes and the commentary was sent to me by a friend from St. Petersburg, a former colleague of mine (now retired as a colonel) - a true (not couch potato) Russian patriot who has been through Afghanistan and both Chechen wars.
Karputov Vladimir:

Unusual Sculptures of the World series

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