Interesting and Humour - page 2683

Aleksey Levashov:

Well, let's hear an honest and competent response from a man who can hardly be accused of picking mud in the nooks and crannies and meaningless incompetent chatter.

This is nothing new to me. All the problems are known and no one is denying them. The question was about savoring only and exclusively any shortcomings. I hope it does not affect your health, as living only in negativity does not lead to anything good. The bulb will burn out and they don't make them for replacement yet. ;)
Anatoli Kazharski:
This is not news to me. All the problems are known and there is no denying them. The question was about savoring only and exclusively any shortcomings. I hope this does not affect your health, as living only in negativity does not lead to anything good. The bulb will burn out and not replace them yet. ;)
And you (sorry, I can not capitalize it) are too much narcissistic, too much shrouded in propaganda of a special way, a special spirituality, some virtual crossbones, you show undisguised bias in your posts,
not even shying away from humiliating and insulting your opponents. Thankfully, your opponents are quite politically correct and tolerant. Otherwise you would have to talk to them man-to-man, which you are obviously not ready for.
You, on the other hand, live your life negatively, condemning in every possible way all the things that you are used to using comfortably and without which you wouldn't even be able to write a letter in this thread.
I do not expect a reply as I no longer wish to communicate with you.
Good citizens. It's summer. It's a humor thread. One hundred and first Chinese warning.
Aleksey Levashov:
But you (sorry, I can't capitalize it) are too much of a narcissist, too much of a propagandist for a special way, a special spirituality, some kind of virtual crossbones, you show undisguised bias and prejudice in your posts,
You are not even shy about humiliating and insulting your opponents. Thankfully, your opponents are quite politically correct and tolerant. Otherwise you would have to talk to them like a man, which you are obviously not ready for.
It's you who are living the negative life, condemning in every possible way everything that you are used to using comfortably and without which you wouldn't even be able to write a letter in this thread.
So that's your manly way? It doesn't seem to be. Emotional and most importantly, in the spirit of the perpetual lie. I mean, another attempt to transfer your qualities onto others. And by the way, you're insulting yourself. You'd better find something interesting and publish it, now that you are here. Your speculations, as usual about nothing, are of no interest to anyone. What kind of habit is that? Lovers of perpetual conflict and "it's all gone". Plus, you're getting in the middle of a dialogue that's already over. Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? ))
Karputov Vladimir:
Good citizens. It's summer. It's a humor thread. One hundred and first Chinese warning.
Off-topic messages can be deleted from here if you think it's necessary.
Anatoli Kazharski:
Off-topic posts from here on wards can be deleted if you feel you need to.

Thank you, Barin, for allowing the moderator to delete my comments!

Thank you my man!

Anatoli Kazharski:

Anatoli Kazharski:

The most important thing in science is not expected discoveries, but unexpected discoveries! (Jorez Alferov said in an interview here)
Karputov Vladimir:
... One hundred and first Chinese warning.
Let's wait for the last one)))

Anatoli Kazharski:

what a great psychopathy (about content)