Interesting and Humour - page 2672

Chinese tram or Skolkovo?
Pavel Gotkevitch:

This is not the Palace of Versailles, built by Louis XIV, but a pharmaceutical factory in Harbin.

Poor consumers of these products.... How beautiful our "sores" can look...

Pavel Gotkevitch:

An ex-spouse divided his property after his divorce in a way that no court in the world could have done.

The man simply sawed in half every item in the house, including the car, furniture, television... and even a teddy bear.

He videotaped the entire process, with the caption "Thank you for 12 'wonderful' years, Laura, and hello to my successor!"

By and large, it's nothing new. Gaius Julius Caesar once solved a dispute between a mother and father over who owned their newborn child in a similar way: he simply hacked it in half with a sword and gave the pieces to the disputants.
Nikolay Kositsin:
Gaius Julius Caesar once solved a dispute between a mother and father over who owned their newborn child in a similar way: he simply hacked it in half with his sword and gave the pieces to the disputants.
Caesar did what?
Caesar did what?

He wrote he cut him in half!

he saw in person!

Nikolay Kositsin:
By and large, it's nothing new. Gaius Julius Caesar once solved a dispute between a mother and father over who owned their newborn child in a similar way: he simply hacked it in half with his sword and gave the pieces to the disputants.
Actually, Caesar had nothing to do with it. It's a slightly distorted parable of King Solomon. And there were two mothers arguing over who owned the baby. And he didn't chop them up, he just offered to chop them up. And then the baby's true mother gave him up in favour of the other one. "I'd rather have him live with another woman than die." After that, Solomon had the child delivered to her.
Vitalii Ananev:
Actually, Caesar had nothing to do with it. It's a slightly twisted parable about King Solomon. And there were two mothers arguing over who the baby belonged to. And he didn't chop them up, he just offered to chop them up. And then the baby's true mother gave him up in favour of the other one. "I'd rather have him live with another woman than die." After that, Solomon had the child delivered to her.

Oh, boy! Bikes are born or die!

Gaius Julius Caesar's reputation - saved

- Did Rabinovich really win the Volga in a lottery?
- That's right. Only it wasn't Rabinovich, it was Ivanov. And not "Volga", but 100 rubles. And not in the lottery, but in cards. And he didn't win, he lost.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Oh, how! Bikes are born or die !

Gaius Julius Caesar's reputation - saved

I'm not making this up. You can Google "the parable of King Solomon".