Interesting and Humour - page 2678

A physicist, an engineer and a mathematician take part in the experiment. Each
are locked in a room with a can of beans.
After three days, the researchers take turns opening the doors.
In the first room, they find a contented physicist covering the floor
and the walls with formulas. The tin can is neatly opened. When asked how
he did it, he replies:
- Oh, I just applied a load to the voltage points.
In the next room there's an engineer, he's sitting in the corner, and next to him there's a disassembled
jar. When asked how he opened it he replies:
- I've worked it to the point of failure.
Finally, a third door is opened.
There's a mathematician sitting on the floor, hugging the jar, rocking back and forth and muttering:
- "Suppose the jar is open, suppose the jar is open,
Suppose the jar is open."

Capturing major cities from above

Vincent Laforet - Storehouse
Vincent Laforet - Storehouse
Filmmaker (DGA Director) Photographer, Producer, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Advisor & Very Very Proud Father of two. NYC & LA

Timur Gatin:

Transistors are a thing of the past.
Or like this - wicked, wicked

Vitalie Postolache:
A physicist, an engineer and a mathematician take part in the experiment. Each
are locked in a room with a can of beans.
After three days, the researchers take turns opening the doors.
In the first room, they find a contented physicist covering the floor
and the walls with formulas. The tin can is neatly opened. When asked how
he did it, he replies:
- Oh, I just applied a load to the voltage points.
In the next room there's an engineer, he's sitting in the corner, and next to him there's a disassembled
jar. When asked how he opened it he replies:
- I've worked it to the point of failure.
Finally, a third door is opened.
There's a mathematician sitting on the floor, hugging the jar, rocking back and forth and muttering:
- "Suppose the jar is open, suppose the jar is open,
"Suppose the jar is open."
You, my dear, have never seen a real mathematician before in your eyes.... It is a classical vegetable with rigid reasoning formal logic, trapped in a maze of fixation, while the real mathematician such a logic is just an appendage of dialectical reason.

The Unusual Sculptures of the World series

De Vaartkapoen

View the maps here:

In Mexico, people pay money to be electrocuted when they walk down the street and such a service costs between $2 and $4. The device used for electrocution is a small box with six AA batteries and a transformer that controls the voltage, which can go up to 100 volts. Electrocution has become so popular in Mexico, especially around nightclubs and bars, because of the adrenaline rush it causes and the intoxicating effect it has on a person. Some people compare the shock of being electrocuted to sticking your fingers in a socket.