Interesting and Humour - page 2671

Friends, let's chip in and close my mortgage!
Azamat Mullayanov:
Friends, let's chip in and close my mortgage!
Let's do it. I can provide my wallet for the cause.
Azamat Mullayanov:
Friends, let's chip in and close my mortgage!
We'll live together.
We will live together.
Paid for the mortgage
Azamat Mullayanov:
Friends, let's chip in and close my mortgage!
Mortgages are a nasty thing, worse than prison. At least there's amnesty in prison.


An ex-spouse divided his property after his divorce in a way that no court in the world could have done.

The man simply sawed in half every item in the house, including the car, furniture, television... and even a teddy bear.

He videotaped the entire process, with the caption "Thank you for 12 'wonderful' years, Laura, and hello to my successor!"

Alexey Busygin:
They'll drink the hogwash, that's not a problem

That's right ))))

Vladimir Zubov:

That's right ))))

It's a tasty picture. (Especially the soapy liquor)

Below zero >>>

Четвёртая часть проекта "Полюс притяжения", посвящённого Арктике. 

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