Total wiretapping is being introduced - page 53

why post this liar a second time
The dominance of lies breeds belief in them a second time.
why post that liar a second time
See, you stuck to your opinion and couldn't refute it.
why post that liar a second time?

And again, remember how much money was siphoned off under the pretext that there might be computer glitches during the transition to 2000. Has there ever been a glitch? Not even on one computer??? The same crap they're making up now. Hence the question, "Who's the liar?"


Alexey Volchanskiy:

And judging by his foreign policy, he knows how to play the game better than all the theorists on this forum put together))

Every issue has an internal component as well as an external one. As a result of these external games, the internal component (the economy) has gone into deep deficit and is currently in recession, which, according to estimates by the country's leading economists, could last 10-15 years. The country needs a source of economic growth to get out of the crisis, without which economic growth is impossible. All previous years, the source of growth has been the sky-high oil and gas prices. Now the prices have fallen. Unfortunately, we have no other sources of economic growth. Remember, two and a half years ago, almost every post sounded the word "import substitution". How long has it been since you last heard it?

I absolutely agree with you that judging by his foreign policy he knows how to play. At the same time I am absolutely sure that there is not a single idiot in the world who would want to attack us, knowing we have a 'nuclear bomb'. Hence the logical question arises: were these foreign games so necessary and justified as to set the internal development of the country back by so many years? It comes to mind:

Alexey Viktorov:

And again, remember how much money was sucked out under the pretext that computers might fail during the transition to the year 2000. Has there ever been a crash??? Not even on one computer??? The same crap they're making up now. Hence the question, "Who's the liar?"

how many budgets have been spent on 2YK.....

sometimes it's amazing how grown up people believe all sorts of nonsense......

and there are so many of them that they manage to successfully fool whole social groups and even whole nations......

(this is not just about IT).


how many budgets have been spent on 2YK.....

sometimes it's amazing how grown up people believe all sorts of nonsense......

and there are so many of them that they manage to successfully fool whole social groups and even whole nations......

(this isn't just about IT)

That's my point exactly. People like you are being led by moustaches and you are happy to believe in all kinds of bullshit.

If not under this pretext, then under some other, in any case, price increases are inevitable. That's the reality of the market.

And I beg your pardon: Don't reply to these words, I am no longer visiting this thread.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
What a dump. I thought it was gone for good, but no, the Smoking Room is alive and the Russophobic smokers are alive.
СанСаныч Фоменко:
What a dump. I thought they had swept it away for good, but no, this place is alive and the Russophobic smokers are alive .

Remember, he was against the collapse of the USSR, he supported the GKChP. Back in the 90s he was shut down for 600 seconds. But it's kind of like they were not supposed to do that.

He's an active militant atheist.

Also, Echo Moskvy belongs to GAZPROMMEDIA and GAZPROM belongs to the state, which means that in essence this "dump" is very state-owned and state-supported.

Isn't it cool? And strange ... ?

should everyone be killed? or sent to the Solovki? ... ...or go to Siberia to mine the reindeer...

СанСаныч Фоменко:
What a dump. I thought it was gone for good, but no, the Smoking Room is alive and the Russophobic smokers are alive.
And apart from the blah-blah, can't you CONCRETELY refute (with evidence) specific statements? It brings to mind the old joke: two dogs meet, one big and one small. The big one asks the little one: "Who are you? The little one says: "I'm a French Bologna, who are you?" The big one says: "I'm nothing, I'd like *****..."