Interesting and Humour - page 1335


Investigators have opened a criminal case for libel and slander against State Duma deputies Elena Mizulina and Olga Batalina. This was reported by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

"According to the investigation, in the period from May to June 2013, unidentified persons have publicly published on the Internet materials containing public insults against deputies of the State Duma Elena Mizulina and Olga Batalina as representatives of the authorities. In addition, knowingly false information was disseminated in connection with the professional activities of Deputy Mizulina", - said in the report of the Ministry.

The case has been initiated on the grounds of crimes provided for by Part 2 of Article 128.1 and Article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (slander, insult of a government representative). Sanctions under the defamation article provide for a fine of up to 1 million rubles. For "insulting a public authority" the guilty party faces a fine of 40 thousand rubles, correctional labor for up to a year or community service for 360 hours.

Read more:

A customer walks into a bar. Both his arms are broken and in a cast. Walks up to the barman:
- Can you get the money for a beer out of my pocket? My arms are broken...
- Yeah, sure...
- Would you mind putting the glass to my lips so I can have a drink?
- Yes, of course...
And after a few glasses:
- Can you tell me where the bathroom is?
- Yes, sure, a couple of blocks away, at a gas station...


At first I thought it was a terminological error, but it turns out I must have missed the moment when Cheburashka switched genders....%(((


At first I thought it was a terminological error, but it turns out I must have missed the moment when Cheburashka switched genders....%(((

or maybe they're... Mensheviks